MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Discussion about IK monitors and speakers like iLoud Precison, iLoud MTM, iLoud Micro Monitor and iLoud as well as X-MONITOR software.

MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby Ott0mation » Sat Sep 04, 2021 2:40 am

Been running these for a couple weeks, though this has been happening since the start.
I go hours, days, with out issue... but randomly one or the other of them will just stop making sound, then the white light will blink a few times, then resume.
Seems to have no connection to playback volume, will do this watching podcasts or music vids.

Thoughts? Suggestions?
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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby Huddy_IK » Tue Sep 07, 2021 4:25 pm

Please first make sure that you are updated to the latest Firmware. This can be done via your IK Product Manager by clicking on the 'Hardware' tab and locating iLoud MTM. Click the 'Drivers' tab and download the Firmware Updater v.1.1.5.

If this does not help, please reach out to the Support team:
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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby Ott0mation » Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:28 am

Huddy_IK wrote:Please first make sure that you are updated to the latest Firmware.

I've been trying that today, I've tried several cords, USB ports, and both of my MTM's.
Nether are being detected as connected to my PC. Any suggestions?

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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby Huddy_IK » Thu Sep 09, 2021 4:12 pm

Thanks for checking on this.

Please reach out to the Support team here and they can further assist in diagnosis and an exchange if viable:
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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby mohragk » Mon Sep 27, 2021 10:10 am

I'm having the same issue and updating the firmware does not help.

Is there another patch or debug routine one can follow? Like a debugger than can detect flaws in the monitor? Seems reasonable to create such a tool for a 400 dollar speaker.
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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby Huddy_IK » Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:20 pm

mohragk wrote:I'm having the same issue and updating the firmware does not help.

Is there another patch or debug routine one can follow? Like a debugger than can detect flaws in the monitor? Seems reasonable to create such a tool for a 400 dollar speaker.

Please contact the Support team here for assistance as well. The team can help to diagnose the issue and provide a resolution.
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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby mohragk » Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:25 pm

Huddy_IK wrote:
mohragk wrote:I'm having the same issue and updating the firmware does not help.

Is there another patch or debug routine one can follow? Like a debugger than can detect flaws in the monitor? Seems reasonable to create such a tool for a 400 dollar speaker.

Please contact the Support team here for assistance as well. The team can help to diagnose the issue and provide a resolution.

Why not, you know, post a solution so others who have this issue can solve it? It's very inefficient to go through some support process if multiple people have the same issue.
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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby Huddy_IK » Mon Sep 27, 2021 6:40 pm

mohragk wrote:
Huddy_IK wrote:
mohragk wrote:I'm having the same issue and updating the firmware does not help.

Is there another patch or debug routine one can follow? Like a debugger than can detect flaws in the monitor? Seems reasonable to create such a tool for a 400 dollar speaker.

Please contact the Support team here for assistance as well. The team can help to diagnose the issue and provide a resolution.

Why not, you know, post a solution so others who have this issue can solve it? It's very inefficient to go through some support process if multiple people have the same issue.

Thanks for your suggestion.

Many cases can be different even with similar surface levels reporting of an issue, which is why its best to communicate with support one-on-one to narrow down any factors and get the proper assistance needed.

I did provide the suggestion of updating the firmware which may help in cases like this. If not, the next best step is to let support assist and setup an exchange if need be.
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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby BramLoosveld1 » Sun May 29, 2022 12:29 pm

I have the same exact problem, can someone help? I have no clue on how to contact support, only shows me some useless FAQ. Annoying.
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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby Peter_IK » Sun May 29, 2022 9:44 pm

BramLoosveld1 wrote:I have the same exact problem, can someone help? I have no clue on how to contact support, only shows me some useless FAQ. Annoying.

A) FAQ isn't useless as that resolves a large percentage of issues so people don't end up waiting for a rep to tell them the same thing.

B) Once you search the FAQ and if you don't find your answer you'll see a button/link to open a ticket.

It also says this on the top of the page you linked:
Before contacting the Support team, please review your product's User Manual or review the FAQs below as there is a chance that your issue has been addressed already and can be quickly resolved.
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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby elektronnn » Sun Mar 24, 2024 7:55 pm

Any clue how to fix that? Have same problem.
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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby Peter_IK » Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:43 pm

elektronnn wrote:Any clue how to fix that? Have same problem.

Yes, you should also open a support ticket please. Thank you.
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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby NicolasN » Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:32 pm

Sale problem with mine...
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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:34 pm

Peter_IK wrote:Yes, you should also open a support ticket please. Thank you.
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Re: MTM randomly cuts out? blinking white light?

Postby Cordolina1925@ » Mon Feb 10, 2025 11:42 am

Any solution? I tried to open a ticket but the Ik page does not work properly, it is so frustrating!
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