I know many of us have the same question: how to set up your input gain correctly in AT5?
Because of this i decided to make a list with every amp and its optimal input gain.
If you want to know more about why we need such a list, please read this thread first:
Here are some "rules" i would like to implement here:
- If you have any questions about the setup. Please use the thread posted above for this.
- If you have any questions about why this all matters. Again, please read and use the thread i posted above.
- If you still think it is not important and/or you dont want to use it. Please ignore this thread and do it the way you did before. No one here tells anybody how he must do it.
- This thread is NOT about getting "good" tone. This thread is about getting the correct response from the Amp, so that it behaves as close as possible to the real deal!
- Please keep in mind that this is made from users for users and is not an official list. Official numbers can only be provided by IK Multimedia.
- Use this thread to tell your experience. Tell me/us whitch amps you think are right or wrong. If they are wrong for you, please give a suggestion what you think is the correct value. I'm very happy to read your comments and make changes to the list according to your feedback. I think if we work together on this, we can get pretty accurate results
Okay, how does it work now?
At first you need to get your interface calibrated to 1VAC = 0dbFS.
I will explain an easy way to do this here but you can find different ways in the link above.
- First set your Interface gain of your Hi-Z/Instrument input to 0 (all the way left)
- Next you need to find out how much Headroom your Interface provides on this Input. You will find this Information in the manual or specs of your Interface or on the web.
Example: +12dbu (@0dbFS) or Maximum input level @+4 dBu, Gain 0 dB: +13 dBu
- Now, you will need to add +0,79db to this number.
Example: +12,79 or +13,79
- Next thing is to boost this value before the amp. I would suggest you do this with a seperate gain plugin if you are inside a DAW or with the input slider if you use the standalone version.
- Congratulation, you now have this input calibratet to 0VAC = 0dbFS.
(- IF, you have problems with Noise (and only then!) you can split it and boost eg. 6db directly on the Interface/Preamp and the other 6.79 in Amplitube, but make sure you dont clip on your Interface)
- Use this setting regardless whitch guitar you plug in!
- The last step is to boost the number from the list for your amp. If you are in a DAW you can use again a second gain plugin or the input slider. You can also use a clean/digital pedal or rack module for this (eg. Slash booster, graphic/parametric EQ, etc...)