Yeah, there is pretty clearly no way to verify whether any given tone model was made from the gear that the model says it was made from or whether the user just ran the signal through a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich and claimed it was some awesome chain of legendary gear.
It's sort of an interesting issue, and I can see it going a couple of ways. Either users will just use their ears and think "oh, that's the tone I need!", regardless of whether it was capturing an electrified peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich or not
or, otherwise, model-makers will fall back on something YouTube videos that show them with the claimed gear in the models. Knowing that we guitar-players (and musicians and audio-people in general) are all insanely conservative naïfs impressed by brands and names
I guess we're more likely to be wowed by videos of cool gear that have been captured than by sounds alone!