[Split from the" Syntronik 2 Installation steps" thread for focus and clarity.]
I cant figure out how to install Syntronik Deluxe. I got this during the sale and I had been away from the IK world for years. I went to my Products page and methodically downloaded all the sound files for Syntronik Deluxe. I then one by one unzipped them to a folder called Syntronic downloads on an external drive. I ran the Sounds installer in one of the envelopes and a prompt indicated the sounds were installed. When I open Syntronic 2 in Cubase I see the instruments but when I try to open one , a prompt says
"Instrument ST4 Error. Cannot locate Tank at path 'H:/Syntronic downloads/Samples/53 Syntronik Minimod/MiniM/MiniM Pulse 10.pak'."
Does this mean I have to have Sampletank installed? I tried to install ST4 last night but I can direct the sounds anywhere but to my C drive.
Any ideas?