My Amplitube VST stop responding when i switch to a another amp.
When i'm in my DAW (Reaper) and open Amplitube on my track i will hear the sound just fine. I can record, playback, and everything works. But, when i try to switch to the MESA/BOOGIE amp, there is no longer any output. I can see in my DAW meter there is input, inSIDE the VST interface i can see the input meter lighting up, but alas... no input. When i switch back to the starting amp (which was producing output from the start) I no longer have any output. I'll have to restart the DAW for things to work again.
I have the same when I switch to my Dimebag Darrell collection. But when i switch to e.g. the ENGL powerball amp it keeps working.
The standalone Amplitube has no problems.
I run Windows 10 64bit with 16 GB RAM and a intel core i7-7700HQ which is a decently powerful system. I use the iRig stomp I/O as audio interface.
I have submitted a support ticket, but I haven't heard anything back. Does anyone has a clue what is going on, and/or how to fix this?