MODO Bass Tuning Issue [RESOLVED]

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MODO Bass Tuning Issue [RESOLVED]

Postby b15fliptop » Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:33 pm

Not sure what to call this. When I use MODO Bass in Reaper or Logic Pro X, it will occasionally "go out of tune" for lack of a better term. The notes all go out of tune, and it sounds… wrong. Not sure how to describe it. Anyway, whenever this happens, I have to remove and re-instantiate the program. Loading another preset doesn't fix it. I know my description is lacking, but has anyone else experienced anything similar?
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Re: MODO Bass Tuning Issue

Postby Ryan_IK » Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:48 pm

If your MODO BASS plug-in sounds out of tune, make sure to check the following points. We've seen the most common cause of this is accidental edits to pitch related controls.

  • Check your Control page for any edits to the BEND, SLIDE, or VIBRATO settings. Make sure to try disabling these as a test to ensure they are not causing your issue. We've seen accidental control of these parameters can lead to MODO BASS sounding out of tune.
  • If you are using a MIDI knob or fader to control your BEND, SLIDE, or VIBRATO controls, make sure you are using something which reacts like a Pitch Wheel. What you want is for the MIDI CC value to go back to zero after any edits. This will ensure you're not accidentally putting yourself out of tune.
  • Check your "A4 Reference" in the STRINGS page. This should be set to "440Hz" by default, but if this is edited, you may not sound "In-tune" with other instruments. A lot of Virtual Instruments and tuners normally use "440Hz" as their reference frequency for A4.

If these steps/suggestions do not seem to help, please reach out to IK Multimedia technical support for extra help looking into your case.
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Re: MODO Bass Tuning Issue

Postby soundog » Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:40 pm


I'm working on a track now that has MODO Bass in it, and thought I'd accidentally moved my MIDI notes in the editor. Nope .... MODO Bass was freaking out. Its almost like the notes were transposed. I've checked controllers, pitch wheel, etc. That's not the problem. I truly think its a bug because a reboot of Logic Pro fixes it.

I'll try to collect more info and then report it to support.
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Re: MODO Bass Tuning Issue

Postby Ryan_IK » Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:45 pm

soundog wrote:Freaky.

I'm working on a track now that has MODO Bass in it, and thought I'd accidentally moved my MIDI notes in the editor. Nope .... MODO Bass was freaking out. Its almost like the notes were transposed. I've checked controllers, pitch wheel, etc. That's not the problem. I truly think its a bug because a reboot of Logic Pro fixes it.

I'll try to collect more info and then report it to support.

Once opened, send me a PM with your ticket number. In the meantime, check your Control Page for what MIDI CC could be affecting your Slide/Bend controls. If set to a normal knob which does not revert to 0 like a Pitch Wheel does by nature, the Slide/Bend may be sitting just above or below the default "0" value causing your issue.
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Re: MODO Bass Tuning Issue

Postby soundog » Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:24 am

Thanks Ryan. I just finished troubleshooting and was coming here to post when I saw your message.

Yes, I was starting playback in a song where there was some pitch bend midi control automation (Logic). If I started playback anywhere on the pitch bend "ramp" before it resolved to zero, the following notes were at seemingly random pitch --- even after the ramp resolved to zero during playback. However, if I started playback after the zero point, all was normal.

So, you are correct .... it was control data effecting the pitch.
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Re: MODO Bass Tuning Issue

Postby Ryan_IK » Thu Sep 05, 2019 3:08 pm

soundog wrote:Thanks Ryan. I just finished troubleshooting and was coming here to post when I saw your message.

Yes, I was starting playback in a song where there was some pitch bend midi control automation (Logic). If I started playback anywhere on the pitch bend "ramp" before it resolved to zero, the following notes were at seemingly random pitch --- even after the ramp resolved to zero during playback. However, if I started playback after the zero point, all was normal.

So, you are correct .... it was control data effecting the pitch.

Np, glad to hear you found the culprit. :D
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Re: MODO Bass Tuning Issue [RESOLVED]

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Sep 05, 2019 4:55 pm

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  • If you are the original poster and wish to add a comment please ask a Moderator to unlock the thread.
  • If you are reading this thread because you are having similar issues or have questions of a related nature, please feel free to start a new topic.
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