Hi guys! I USED TO be able to use my iLoud as a guitar interface and use Amplitube on my MacBook Air, Now.... it won't work! In the past year i have not been using the iLoud but rather have my Boss Katana amp plugged in to my MacBook Air using Boss Software.
So the other day I wanted to take my setup mobile, so I set it up EXACTLY like I describe below, but it just won't work now. I need some IK Wisdom here guys!
Here's how I had it set up in the past, (When it WAS working.)
Standard Guitar Cable plugged directly into 1/4" jack on iLoud
1/8" TRRS cable goes into back of iLoud,
Other end of 1/8" TRRS directly into my MacBook Air's 1/8" headphone jack.
I'd open up Amplitube, (I have Amplitube MAX,) and it would just work! Sounded great too! I was totally mobile and could play until the battery on iLoud or MacBook gave out.
But Now... It just squeels. I checked the input settings and all SEEMS the same but it just won't work.
I suppose THIS is my main question: Is there any other software or drivers I need to re-install to get this working again???
Thanks in advance!!!
Glen in New Hampshire ~ U.S.A.