Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

AmpliTube TONEX, AmpliTube 5, AmpliTube Custom Shop, AmpliTube Joe Satriani, AmpliTube Brian May, MESA/Boogie®,Orange™, Fender™, Hendrix™, Metal, AmpliTube SVX, and more for Mac/PC

Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby d10221 » Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:25 pm

with Stomp I/O in Default mode should also be able to listen to other controllers, on whatever is plugged in the Stomp MIDI input, AND/OR allow LIVE mode in standard MIDI mode

LIVE mode
Select how many presets you want to see at the same time.
Select how many stomp boxes you want to see at the same time
STOMP boxes, turn on and off by click (bypass?)

Screen button to global play/stop
MIDI map to record/play currently selected track/loop
MIDI map to select track/loop

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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby guitarkite » Tue May 07, 2019 5:58 am

Here’s a feature that could be accomplished a number of different ways... “Pickup simulators.” Also called “re-guitaring”. Basically, an effect that morphs the sound of your current pickups to those of another... Old Strat pickups... P-90’s... Texas Specials... Etc. Line 6 did something similar on their Variax guitars, but they required specialized hex pickups. A new breed of effects does the same thing, but let’s you use your own pickups.

As a pedal, you could emulate Keystone’s EX-changer pedal.

Or you could do what Positive Grid is “attempting” to do and integrate pickup modeling at the start of the signal. (Their setup seems a little more thorough, as it supposedly uses your specific pickups’ sounds and can follow your pickup switching. i.e. models a neck pickup when you’re on your neck pickup and a bridge pickup when you’re on your bridge pickup.)

Blue Cat Audio’s “Re-Guitar” also has VST that does similar things.

That would be an awesome addition!

Either way, it would be a nice feature to be able to model specific pickups.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby ambrs57 » Fri May 10, 2019 4:46 am

A model of the Sunn Coliseum PA head, used by the great Leslie West in Mountain during the late 60s early 70s. West's Coliseum was originally owned by Jim Hendrix and sent to him by mistake the day of a gig. He plugged in and the rest is history. You can hear this great tone shine on Mountain live cuts from Woodstock II, Mountain Live - The Road Goes Ever On, and hits like Mississippi Queen and Nantucket Sleighride.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby d10221 » Fri May 10, 2019 2:24 pm

A simple Looper Stomp Pedal, record/play/clear.
Not multitrack ... simple and MIDI map ready

It can't be that hard.. its basically a delay ...

:oops: ...Well I just realized is not gonna work, the loop will be lost on preset change.

Just add more midi mappings to the "Looper" ... please :)
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby alienpops » Tue May 21, 2019 2:03 am

1. Take the tuner out of individual presets and let it be set globally. I have the ultra tuner, but it is a pain to manually swap it in for every single preset.

2. Similarly, there should be a way to add a global pedal (volume, wah, etc.) which override presets. That way, if the preset doesn’t have one already assigned, that functionality can still work across presets.

3. Stereo looper - (one possible implementation would be to allow loops 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 to be linked together [panned left/right] for two stereo loops versus 4 mono loops).

4. Allow for groups of pedals to be saved as favorites so that they could be quickly inserted into a preset.

5. Make the “preferences” stay when closing the program. Seriously, I have not encountered software that just reverts everything back to the initial state every time. That is why they are called “preferences”. Unless I’m missing something?

6. Agree with all of the others about allowing for midi control of the main volume as well as for more midi control of the looper functions.

7. Make the Stomp I/O “live mode” available in the plugin version.

8. Make the Stomp I/O “live mode” the same as the IOS version. As it is now, there is no way to change the sound or assign anything in live mode. They just have generic icons rather than controllable amps or stomps. I did not realize this before purchasing and am a bit bummed by the limitation.

9. As others have said, make purchases and presets travel across platforms. Maybe I would have fewer gripes about the Stomp I/O if I could use it with IOS, but I’m not going to re-buy everything I already own on the Mac just for that purpose.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby carlaz » Tue May 21, 2019 9:13 pm

ambrs57 wrote:A model of the Sunn Coliseum PA head, used by the great Leslie West in Mountain during the late 60s early 70s.

I would also not turn away a model of the Sunn 2000S (with matching 2x15 cabs) as used by Felix Pappalardi. 8-)
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby acousticglue » Thu Jun 06, 2019 11:58 pm

Big sale on Leslie.

Still want pedals updated.

An importer for Cab IRs!!!!!!!
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby jschrade » Sun Jun 09, 2019 6:05 am

User interface is my number one for AT4, it’s irritatingly tiny on my big monitors.

Preset management ... so tiny ... so irritatingly hard to use. Please let us filter out presets where hardware is missing ... irritating! :)

Preset exchange? This would be nice.
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby carlaz » Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:03 pm

jschrade wrote:User interface is my number one for AT4, it’s irritatingly tiny on my big monitors.

A scaleable or even just larger interface would be very welcome!
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby albrown111 » Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:34 pm

1. I think IK Multimedia could really set itself apart from the competition by redesigning the UI completely. I think it would be worth the investment to approach the UI to allow different 'modes'. Along with the current 'traditional' mode [the one we have today], you could also produce a UI mode designed for touchscreens. My biggest issue with just about all of these virtual amp products is that everyone is trying to design the controls to replicate physical machine controls. I don't believe this is good UI design. Having to use a pointer to adjust tiny "pots" on a screen is ridiculous. I'm not a designer but wow - if the controls on a virtual amp were all sliders, I would be in heaven with my touchscreen device -- especially in a live performance. If I need to make a quick tweak on a setting, it's difficult, especially on a smaller device. Sure, the appearance factor to make stomps, racks, amps look like the real thing is compelling, but think about the new experience you could give to your customers with a 'touch' mode.

2. Why doesn't the UI expand to full-screen? Make the UI expand full-screen. I need all available real-estate for this application. Tiny knobs are not at all fun to manipulate. Oh - btw - see #1 above.

3. Not a software engineer so forgive my ignorance here. Is there a way to prioritize this application to give it all the available CPU/Memory allocation possible when it starts up, or at least make it a config setting? I don't know why [which is why I'm here in this forum today], but even on my i7 device, the app seems to drop sound suddenly for a couple of secs intermittently, then continue. I pray this doesn't happen during a live performance. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. I think this issue goes away if I turn off wifi but more testing is needed.

4. Add input/output leveling optimization automation feature. 1. Press "Optimize" 2. app listens to input for 5 secs. 3. app finds peaks in AmpliTube 4. app sets level. I believe Peavey's app does this.

5. Again - not a software engineer - so I may not know WTF I'm talking about. Is it possible to enable importing 3rd party plug-ins, similar to how VSTs use plug-ins?
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby wliska » Thu Jun 27, 2019 10:12 am

A Dallas Rangemaster would be a great addition!
Mac Mini late 2012, Quad-Core Intel Core i7, 2.6 GHz, 16 GB memory
Apogee Duet FireWire, Presonus Firestudio Mobile
AT5 Version 5.3.0
Catalina 10.15.7
Line 6 FBV Shortboard MkII
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby cu1723 » Fri Jun 28, 2019 10:38 am


I want to use Amplitube standalone for live.

First I need

* Master section

Like in GuitarGig, there should be a Mastersection, where you can put some Elements (for me I need 31 GrafikEq and Compressor). If I change the Preset, the Mastersection should not be changed. So I can adjust all my presets to the current room - only by changing the Mastersection.

Also there should be a possibility to change the MasterVolume by Midi (not Preset). For now it is not working. I CAN assign a Midicontroller to the MasterVolume - BUT: it will change Values from 0db (12 o'clock) to full. the Highst Value must be 0dB.

* I miss more Modulations, Delays and especially Reverbs. The Reverb is realy not good.

For now Im using Gitperformer to insert 3party VST3 Reverbs, Modulation and Delays
Maybe this would be nice, if I could use my VST3 IN Amplitube (like in Revalver - but VST3)

There are some nice Modulations in Amplitube - but in Mono (stompboxes) - If they where in Stereo (and all other components Like Amps and Cabinets) would be in stereo, too, it would be (for me) a step in the right direction. TH-U works like that - If you have a Chorus in front of your AMP, the Signal is stereo.

* Change preset should not kill the signal

If I have a long Delay or Reverb, and I change the preset, the delay/Reverb should continue to run. This would be much smoother.

* Sound (?)

For my ears nearly every Sound has too much in 3kHz. I have an EQ inserted in the insert where I always lower the 3kHz (nearly 3db).
Also the 100Hz often are a litte bit to much for my ears (but not so often)

Thank you for reading this!
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby StevenMikel » Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:40 am

1. I want a larger or re-sizable gui.
2. Bogner Shiva with different power tube options
3.The rack reverb to have other reverb types like a dark plate,a bright plate,a hall and,maybe a modulated reverb.
4.Roland Demension D rack or Boss Demension C stomp
5.Park 75 and/or Park Rock Head 50
6.Official Marshall Plexi and Super Bass
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby bart.childers » Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:53 pm

Upgrade Amplitube FX Rack with T-Racks FX modules - BOOM!
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Re: Official AmpliTube Mac/PC Wish List!

Postby ThomasTheTankEngine » Thu Jul 25, 2019 10:37 am

Count me in with the people wanting David Gilmour gear.
Binson Echorec
Hiwatt amps
WEM cabs is a great resource on his gear through the years.

On the other heavier end of the spectrum, I think some boutique metal amps would be cool. Friedman
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