by MatJones01 » Thu Jun 09, 2022 1:46 pm
Bit of a necro thread now, but i've discovered a few other things in addition to @downtown.millard.
It's also worth using an extra midi channel routed to an external midi input from your midi controller and using the supplied DIN midi jacks to connect to your midi interface and connect the Uno Synth to them.
Not sure about other Cubase versions, but if you want to sync the sequencer and arpeggiator on the Uno Synth then you'll need to turn on 'send midi clock' in Cubase. 'Transport/Project Synchronisation setup/Destinations tab' and then select your midi interface. Obviously, you cannot use the Uno Synth as your midi interface for this.
Route the extra midi channels input to your midi controller and the output to the Uno Synth plugin.
I also routed a midi send from one of the extra midi channels to the Uno Synth editor.
I had to also record some midi control messages separately, using the DIN midi as well as having to edit LFO sync changes manually after the event, but it's working pretty well.
Using this method, i can now control the Uno from the synth itself and the control changes are received and read by Cubase and the Uno Synth Plugin.
Hope that's of help to someone!