grem wrote:I sent in a support ticket on this asking pretty much the same question.
So let me ask you this Peter, can I use the iRig2 with my Surface Pro with Win10 on it as a audio interface? I guess I can try it later on today and see.
You say that iRig UA would still work on non-SAPA Samsung devices, does this mean I will have access to Amplitube with this device?
Thanks for the reply too Peter. : )
iRig 2 is not Windows compatible. You'd want to go with one of the digital interfaces (which will also yield much better sound quality) for Windows compatibility.
iRig UA would run AmpliTube UA (which runs on the iRig UA unit itself) and you can see the compatibility/requirements at ... hp?p=specs which are pretty broad, and you do have quite a modern device.
And you're welcome. Happy to help