Can't add T-Racks 5 effects to single track

Discussion about MixBox and T-RackS

Can't add T-Racks 5 effects to single track

Postby mishmael » Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:45 pm

When I try to add a T-Racks effect directly to a single track in the editor in Auditon it comes out blank. Why ? How come I can add Auditions effects directly in the editor but not any Ik Multimedia efects like Room Reverb and Classic compressor, Clipper and etc. ?
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Re: Can't add T-Racks 5 effects to single track

Postby garfy » Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:19 am

Hi mishmael

As no one has chimed in with any advice I would suggest the best course of action would be to open a ticket with official IK support here:

It also may be wise to ask the same questions of Adobe's support team as well, to try and get an answer from both software manufacturers.
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