While the new updates fixed the issue regarding being able to load sounds from ST3 created Multis,that contained imported instruments, there still appears to be an issue that I've identified.
The LFO, ENV1, ENV2, and FIlter sections do not import properly from the previous Multi. One example is a Multi that contained the imported instrument PWM FAST CH PAD J-60. The proper Filter in the Multi is "R Type". However, when the Multi loaded it changed it to "Classic". I noticed this with several Instruments and it appears to happen in the LFO, ENV1, ENV2 and Filter sections. The proper settings are not being loaded with the Multi.
This can be corrected by loading each Instrument again and then saving the Multi in ST4. However, to do this for every Multi you have created in ST3 can be tedious.
So it would be great if there was a fix to these sections so it converts properly in ST4 when you load a ST3 created Multi. Please help us address this issue and I believe ST4 will be perfect for my needs!