*facepalms severely*
So, here's the recap, I was cleaning out my room, and the mop bucket just happened to be in the right spot, and the iLoud micromonitor power brick plopped right into the mop bucket.
I took it out once I realized what the f*** I just did, unplugged it immediately, and got some paper towels and dried out the thing.
I'm not sure if any water managed to make it into the power brick or into the socket where the power cable plugs into the brick.
A little bit after that, once I saw it was dry enogh to test, I plugged it back in, and did a test run, praying that the white light turned on, and it did which was a good sign,
However now, I get a steady, slow flashing white light on the monitors, and every time the white light turns on. the blue one on the power brick fades a bit, indicating *something* power related. I'm not sure what.
As of now, I can't use the micro monitors not sure if I should just wait a bit, get a new power supply from best buy or something, or have to get entirely new monitors.
Any thoughts?