BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

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BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby » Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:44 pm

Hi everyone,

I have recently pursued an iRig BlueBoard. It works perfectly on my iOS iPad, but I am experiencing problems in having my Mac (OS 10.13.6) recognizing it.

Basically, the BB application won't see it. I tried to connect it directly from the MIDI utility.

Actually, my Mac was able to see it and connect a couple of times, over tens and tens of attempts. But I could find no reproducible procedure to make it connect.

By the way, BB can be recognized by the OS midi setup utility only in MIDI over Bluetooth mode (pressing Botton B or C) upon starting the BB, but then the BB application won't notice and then it is useless in Amplitube.

Anyone had similar experience and could solve it?

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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby Ryan_IK » Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:15 pm


Thanks for your post.

I would suggest reaching out to support here. Once you've reached out, send me your ticket number in a PM. Keep in mind this forum is for user to user discussion and not for direct technical support.

In the meantime, make sure you've powered on your iRig BlueBoard holding pedal 'A' to allow for 'proprietary' mode. This is the mode to use with the iRig BlueBoard app. The other two modes will connect with MIDI over Bluetooth compatible apps on iOS or the macOS MIDI Studio Bluetooth section.

Make sure to let support know your results.
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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby tbschneider » Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:39 pm


I have the same problem with my iMac working on OS 10.14.
The connection with my iPhone works.

I have tried to contact support, but submitting the the first information form leads to no reactions...

would be fine to get some support!

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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby professork » Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:57 am

And now it is again...

I had the same issue using my Blueboard—after working fine for over a month running Mojave, the Blueboard suddenly disconnected from the iRig Blueboard app yesterday and would not reconnect.

First I held down the Blueboard's A button while switching it on, as per Ryan_IK's advice above (and the User Manual...), to start it up in Blueboard priority mode. (I don't ever remember switching mine on in MIDI over Bluetooth mode 2, but the C button was lighting up when switched on... now the A button is.)

At this point, the Blueboard connected to the iRig Blueboard app if I switched on the Blueboard first, then started up the iRig Blueboard app. If i started up the app first, the Blueboard would not connect, not even using Click here to connect.

After connecting it as above (first switch on the Blueboard, then start the app), I renamed the Blueboard in the iRig Blueboard app's Setting—historically with many apps forcing a new preference to be saved sometimes solves mysterious issues. I quit the app, restarted the iMac, and the Blueboard is now connecting again—automatically if I switch on the Blueboard first, manually if I start the app first.
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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby jtyyska » Wed Feb 13, 2019 4:30 pm

Hello, I have similar issues with blueboard. Last weekend it worked fine but now it can't connect to my Mac powerbook. I made nvram? Reset and no help. My iphone finds blueboard instantly. I opened new ticket to support. I hope that they can solve these connection issues.
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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby Peter_IK » Wed Feb 13, 2019 4:31 pm

jtyyska wrote:Hello, I have similar issues with blueboard. Last weekend it worked fine but now it can't connect to my Mac powerbook. I made nvram? Reset and no help. My iPhone finds blueboard instantly. I opened new ticket to support. I hope that they can solve these connection issues.

This is not the normal behavior. Please open a ticket with IK Support for official support at and they will be able to assist you directly and resolve your issue.
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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby jtyyska » Wed Feb 13, 2019 4:41 pm

Hi, like I wrote I already opened a ticket and I realy hope fast reply to it.
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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby Peter_IK » Wed Feb 13, 2019 4:55 pm

jtyyska wrote:Hi, like I wrote I already opened a ticket and I realy hope fast reply to it.

Please see the guidelines about posting at viewtopic.php?f=10&t=19505 specifically about posting whilst you have an open support ticket. Thanks!
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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby vinegarjoe » Mon Dec 14, 2020 5:09 pm

I've got the same problem as the OP. Just got it today, and have spent hours trying to get it to work. Very frustrating straight out the box.
Can connect via button B mode, and using Midi Studio on Mac.

However if I switch the BB off and back on it will not connect and I have to go through the same rigmarole again....GRRRRRRR!!!!!

Haven't even done anything meaningful with it yet due to all these connection faults.

Edit.....change now. If I switch off and back on, C button flashes, then can connect via Midi Studio on mac. However does NOT auto-connect.

BB app still shows Bluetooth off, and scan button is not lit.
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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Dec 14, 2020 5:13 pm

Have you reported your issues to the IK Support team? They can surely assist you and get you up and running and ease that frustration. They can be reached via (you would search the FAQ there for your issue and if that search does not bear fruit, there's a link to directly open a ticket). Thank you.
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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby vinegarjoe » Tue Dec 15, 2020 1:03 pm

OK, have managed a bit of progress.
The only way to connect is either pressing B or C on startup then I can connect using MIDI Studio on my MAC.
Will NOT connect when pressing A on startup..
BlueBoard app does NOT work on my MAC, with no scan light on and says bluetooth off when I have connected directly, although this maybe exactly why, because I have connected under the B option.
Will not connect in "native" mode.
I can get it to switch a stomp box on by pressing a switch, but it switches off when I release the switch. How on earth do I get it to retain the state until the next time the button is pressed.
I have raised a ticket, but not sure how to see that ticket, as I have been on this for over a day now with little success, and can't remember at which stage i raised the ticket. However no reply as yet.
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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby vac713 » Wed Dec 16, 2020 12:05 am

Same issue here. Works on iOS but not on either of my macs
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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby vinegarjoe » Wed Dec 16, 2020 11:19 am

Well, well, well
What a conversation I had last evening. Peter_IK on here advised me to contact "Technical Support" which I did.
I explained all the issues that I could not connect in native mode, that BB app did not work, when I got it connected via the C button ok, when I switched off and on I had to manually reconnect the board.
He offered me some solutions that I had worked out and done myself anyway, so no advance there.
Then the bombshell. After me investing two days of my time trying to get this thing to work, he tells me it doesn't work with Mac OS Catalina. I had deliberately avoided the upgrade to Big Sur to make sure it worked in Amp4. "Cos it sure won't work with Big Sur either.
His solution????? Get this.......Return it to Amazon!!!!
NOTHING in the IK Multimedia ads, documentation, websites, Amazon description tells you anything about this problem, or I wouldn't have bought it in the first place.
Interesting Tech Support eh?
I also told him that in C mode, I could connect to a stomp box pedal, and I could operate it. (managed this on my own and was quite chuffed being a midi idiot!!) However it was a fleeting contact and would switch off again when I released the button. Obviously I needed a latching contact so that it switched on on the first press and off with the second press.
However no help there. Read the manual I was told.
I had already told him I was a complete rookie as far as midi is concerned and was looking for some advice.....Read the manual. I have done and it's Dutch to me!!!
All I want is for it to operate a button on a stomp box, nothing fancy.
So anyway, thats my experience of "Technical Support"
Wanted the box up and running with the anticipated release of Amp5.
So disappointed now.
But hey, box it up and return it I must.
Will think twice before contacting tech supprt again. Would raise it as a complaint, but they would probably chuck me off the forums etc.
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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby vinegarjoe » Wed Dec 16, 2020 4:15 pm

Looks like I may have cracked it. Did a lot of messing about with various ways of connecting and have now got BB app to work. I have also configured it to work a switch on a virtual foot pedal, which is what I wanted it for in the first instance.
Only managed it the once, so going back in to try again and see if I can get there. At least have proved it is possible to get it to work.
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Re: BlueBoard is not recognized by MAC

Postby Kriskaza » Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:55 pm

How did you get it to connect to your Mac?
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