wrote:I don't know, if You mean the same by "losing connection", but this is what my Rig Keys I/O does
It does not matter, if I play music from Youtube or from computer. Onlyrhing that helps, is to turn the iRig Keys off and on again and everything is fine. Until the next time
Sometimes it plays for hours with no problem, the other time I an only listen for less than minute. ...
So I talked to my friend who knows about electronics ect. He asked, if the iRig Keys i/o is powered by USB or external power source. I have mine powered by USB. He asked, if I have another devices connected to USB. Yes, I have USB bluetooth adapter for my mouse and keyboard. He asked, if there is option for external power source and what are the parametesr. So I searceh and found that there is external power source for iRig Keys i/o (PSU 3a) and it's 5V 3000mA.
Somewhy it is sold separately, not included with iRig Keys.
My freind sayd, that the problem maybe, taht iRig KEys I/O needs too much power to be powered by USB, if there are other devices connected and need external power supply.
So I connected iRig Keys I/O to my laptop with no extra devices in USB and no problem.
I'd want to test my I/o with external power supply with my computer, but I will not buy it "just for test" with this price. So maybe I find somewhere power supply with same parameters to give it a try