As the developer of the MidiFire app (iOS and macOS) I have been working with a BlueBoard customer to develop a MidiFire module that can expand the gestures that the BlueBoard can generate. Instead of just 4 single tap buttons, the 'Blue Velvet' module (available at no charge in MidiFire's Scenes Club) allows the BlueBoard to generate separate MIDI events for each button when you:
- tap once
- hold down a button
- double tap a button
- triple tap a button
- tap once and hold a button
- tap twice and hold a button
To use, you simply connect the BlueBoard via BTLE MIDI (startup holding down 'B' button) and route the BlueBoard port in MidiFire through the Blue Velvet module and then on to your MIDI receivers (apps or hardware).
Here is a video demonstration:
Regards, Nic (Audeonic Apps)