Make MODO BASS unbeatable (suggestions)

Discussions about MODO DRUM physically modeled drums and MODO BASS - the first physically modeled electric bass virtual instrument

Make MODO BASS unbeatable (suggestions)

Postby pumafred » Sun Mar 05, 2017 6:37 pm

I love my MODO BASS, but I think it could become an UNBEATABLE product if you added:

1) Something like this newly launched Riffer:
It would be amazing!

2) A fretless bass

3) An upright bass

With 1) + 2) +3), this would be the only bass most of us would need. (As a non-bass player, I am particularly excited with 1). Since I own the AS Upright, I will be able to export MIDI riffs and play them with MODO, but adding something like it to MODO would be better.)
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Re: Make MODO BASS unbeatable (suggestions)

Postby mikerivers » Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:02 pm

2) A fretless bass

3) An upright bass

We've had a discussion about acoustic/upright bass and it's really not on the table. The acoustic bass is a totally different animal than the electric bass and you can't just plug some different values into the same model. Perhaps they'll decide to model acoustic basses some day.

As far as fretless goes, I could swear I saw that as an option somewhere, but I just went back and looked for it and couldn't find it. I must have been imagining it, or maybe I was comparing it to a different VSTi that had a fretless bass patch. But frankly, that sounds like it could be another can of worms since it adds another "touch" element to how the string vibrates.
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FR: Better Slides

Postby twinsnakes007 » Fri Apr 28, 2017 2:30 am

#1 - Since Modo is not sample based, then you should have features that make your product unique. I find I can almost always slide up, but, because of string selection, I never can slide down, unless I'm on the right string, which is the EXACT same behavior of sample based Bases. Modo should break this trend.

#2 - Since Modo is not sample based, one thing it should really be able to shine at, that is really difficult to do on sample based Basses, is chord slides. IK should come up with some system to make it easy to do chord slides.
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Re: Make MODO BASS unbeatable (suggestions)

Postby chlady » Sun Oct 14, 2018 2:26 am

I too would love a fretless bass , that is the only thing I see missing and would be quite useful for some songs .
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