iRig Keys - iRig MIDI 2 - Korg volca keys

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iRig Keys - iRig MIDI 2 - Korg volca keys

Postby playinmyblues » Sat Jan 27, 2018 8:28 pm

Can I use the iRig MIDI 2 to control a Korg volca keys or any other synth with MIDI IN using the Micro USB OTG to-Mini DIN cable and an iRig Keys (older 37 key version).

To give you a better idea of what I am doing now is using a Windows PC running MIDI-OX with a Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 running from it's MIDI OUT to a Korg volca keys MIDI IN. The iRig Keys (older 37 key version) is connected to the PC with a standard USB A-to-micro-B cable. The iRig Keys is routed to run MIDI signals through the Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 to the Korg volca keys. This works very well but I am looking for an option that sets up much faster that will connect the iRig keys to a MIDI I/O device to the Korg volca keys.
Posts: 46
Joined: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:53 am

Re: iRig Keys - iRig MIDI 2 - Korg volca keys

Postby playinmyblues » Sat Jan 27, 2018 8:32 pm

If that does not work, I imagine that the iRig Pro IO or the iRig Pro Duo would work? Somehow, maybe? I have not worked out the ports on either of those devices. I do have a 30-pin connector-to-lightning cable converter as that is what is needed for me to connect the iRig Keys (older 37 key version that does not have the necessary circuits to run a USB micro-to-lightning cable).
Posts: 46
Joined: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:53 am

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