AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:27 pm

jimfist wrote:I just picked up Amplitube UA for my Samsung Galaxy and am generally happy with the results.

However, since I am a bassist partial to Ampeg tones, I found that the bass amp model that comes supplied with Amplitube UA suffers from terrible background digital noise, unlike any of the other amp models, and in fact unlike the Ampeg B-15 purchased amp model, that I bought due to the stock Ampeg SVT model being unacceptable due to this noise.

I'm not talking about the expected behavior of an amp model with two gain stages, as high pre-gain can add hiss and enhance any existing noises or buzzes that may already exist in the signal chain BEFORE the UA interface. I'm talking about a truly digital noise, generated only within the stock Ampeg bass model. There is no way to minimize this noise to make this amp useful.

Otherwise, since downloading the B-15 model, I'm pretty happy with the results, and the near-zero latency performance via a smartphone is pretty cool indeed. I do feel, though, that I was forced to purchase the B-15 since the stock bass model is not usable in its current state.

Any thoughts? Thank you.

I have not seen this reported before, so I would open a ticket with support and see if there's an issue globally or if there is some other setting, etc influencing the sound of that particular model. They can be reached at and will troubleshoot and assist you directly.
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby jimfist » Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:24 pm

OK, Thanks for the quick response. I've submitted the trouble ticket and will follow up with any new findings.
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby delmanto » Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:55 am

I am using a Irig Pro Duo on a S7 Samsung. The Amplitube App is not recognizing it. Keep asking for Irig UA.
What can I do?
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Jan 05, 2017 3:33 am

delmanto wrote:I am using a Irig Pro Duo on a S7 Samsung. The Amplitube App is not recognizing it. Keep asking for Irig UA.
What can I do?

AmpliTube UA require iRig UA as it runs on the DSP circuitry in iRig UA itself.
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby delmanto » Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:34 pm

I am using Amplitube, not the UA version. Still don't recognize.
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:51 pm

delmanto wrote:I am using Amplitube, not the UA version. Still don't recognize.

If you are using the Samsung Pro Audio version of AmpliTube and it still isn't working, please report this to IK Support and they will troubleshoot with you directly. Thanks.

Edit - Also, this is an AmpliTube UA thread hence my assumption you meant AmpliTube UA (and that it would ask for iRig UA).
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby phjanak » Tue Jan 30, 2018 7:33 pm

So I had mine less than a day. My 3 year old knocked it of the table and it hit the floor. Now the UA doesn't hear my guitar at all. Instead it hears everything in two different rooms. Since it's not returnable. Can you tell me what I need to do to get it back to normal? Is my description good enough to have it be obvious to you what is out of whack?
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby Peter_IK » Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:24 pm

phjanak wrote:So I had mine less than a day. My 3 year old knocked it of the table and it hit the floor. Now the UA doesn't hear my guitar at all. Instead it hears everything in two different rooms. Since it's not returnable. Can you tell me what I need to do to get it back to normal? Is my description good enough to have it be obvious to you what is out of whack?

Please report your issue to IK Support at ... -hardware/ and they will assist you directly.
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby mariamax » Mon Mar 12, 2018 7:57 am

I'm not chatting about the predictable presentation of an amplifier model with two increase stage, as far above the ground pre-gain can put in hiss and improve any available noises or buzz that may by now exist in the signing chain previous to the UA boundary. I'm chatting about a truly digital racket, generate merely inside the store Amped bass model. There is no way to reduce this sound to make this amplifier useful.
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Mar 12, 2018 8:48 am

I would recommend reporting your findings and experience to IK Support so they can diagnose and relay any pertinent issue to the developers as necessary.
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby pertiana » Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:20 pm

Last edited by pertiana on Wed Jun 26, 2019 9:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby Jackwui » Sun Sep 02, 2018 10:54 pm

it works well. thank you.
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby zzsimon » Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:08 pm

I use Amplitube UA with IRig UA on a Moto G5s Plus motorola with Android 8.1 connected to a small Bose SoundLink Color II and it all sounds really good! I'm very satisfied with it! I did not think such a sound!
I also have an IRig HD 2 connected to a MiniMac with Amplitube 4, always connected to the same Bose, but I prefer the sound coming out of the IRig UA, it seems more realistic. 8-)
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby Cape67 » Wed Nov 28, 2018 5:15 am

This may be a dumb question but how do you record with Amplitube UA? I connect the iRig UA, start up Amplitube UA, there seems to be no option to record.

I bought this thing mainly as a DSP recorder, "all you need is a Samsung Pro Audio or Android 5.0 device or later to record with Amplitube UA." OK fine, I'm running 6.0.1. How do I record the audio?
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Re: AmpliTube UA for all Android devices released

Postby d10221 » Sun Mar 17, 2019 4:03 pm

Cape67 wrote:This may be a dumb question but how do you record with Amplitube UA? I connect the iRig UA, start up Amplitube UA, there seems to be no option to record.

I bought this thing mainly as a DSP recorder, "all you need is a Samsung Pro Audio or Android 5.0 device or later to record with Amplitube UA." OK fine, I'm running 6.0.1. How do I record the audio?

Same here...
Plus naively bought iRig recorder App thinking it would just work. But ...nope, only in-built mic input.

Just tried "Audio Evolution Mobile" demo on a cheap Lenovo Tablet with Android 6, and it works great with iRig-UA & Amplitube-UA, record/loop/play-over, that's all I expected from the original product.
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