TAP Tempo via MIDI Controller

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Re: TAP Tempo via MIDI Controller

Postby bwademusic » Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:36 pm

Hi man...I tried what you suggested but still must be missing something. I'm trying it with a m audio sustain pedal. I see it doesn't use a tip ring sleeve jack which I'm used to seeing on expression pedals and such but it does move the 2nd pedal of the blueboard...I must be setting up the midi stroke incorrectly..here's a screen shot...maybe you can see what I'm doing wrong.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/lacgkfa4u7jh0 ... 8.png?dl=0
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Re: TAP Tempo via MIDI Controller

Postby bwademusic » Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:45 pm

I just replied a minute ago but must have made a mistake in my posting.
So, I tried your idea but can't get it to function as a tap tempo so I must have something wrong in the midi stroke set up. I have the second pedal of blueboard outputting CC# 21 and the sustain pedal does move the Blueboard pedal but seems not to be converting to the "t" to trigger the tap in amplitube. I'll show you a screen shot of midi stroke so maybe you can see what i'm doing wrong..thanks...Brett
https://www.dropbox.com/s/lacgkfa4u7jh0 ... 8.png?dl=0
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Re: TAP Tempo via MIDI Controller

Postby emilebes » Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:37 pm

The difference to mine that I can see is that I am on CC# 20 which should not make a difference but I have nothing under the value column and all of the checkboxes on the right are unchecked. It took me a while to get it to work and I had to test a lot of different options. Unfortunately I cannot remember exactly what I did.
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Re: TAP Tempo via MIDI Controller

Postby bwademusic » Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:49 am

emilebes wrote:The difference to mine that I can see is that I am on CC# 20 which should not make a difference but I have nothing under the value column and all of the checkboxes on the right are unchecked. It took me a while to get it to work and I had to test a lot of different options. Unfortunately I cannot remember exactly what I did.

thanks man...I see you have a second column. Do you remember what that one does? I can replicate your first one of course but maybe the second has some significance???? Cant' think what though...and ya it doesn't seem relevant that our cc#'s are different. Do you remember when you set up the pedal itself, at what point you called it minimum and at what point maximum? Maybe that would make a difference...thanks again for hanging in there...Brett
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Re: TAP Tempo via MIDI Controller

Postby emilebes » Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:13 pm

As far as I can remember the sustain pedal is set up as a non-latching pedal in the blueboard software. Once that is done you don't worry about that again. The next step is to set up midistroke. As far as I know the chain of events is blueboard - midistroke - amplitube.

Can you not delete the value in the value column on midistroke? Also unclick the apple, shift and control boxes on the far right. Check also if your Blueboard is shown as midi interface in Amplitube's settings. And remember that Amplitube has to have the focus for midistroke to be able to send commands to it. If none of this works then I am at a loss as to why it is not working. I did struggle with mine but once it worked, I've not had a problem yet.
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Re: TAP Tempo via MIDI Controller

Postby bwademusic » Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:12 am

emilebes wrote:As far as I can remember the sustain pedal is set up as a non-latching pedal in the blueboard software. Once that is done you don't worry about that again. The next step is to set up midistroke. As far as I know the chain of events is blueboard - midistroke - amplitube.

Can you not delete the value in the value column on midistroke? Also unclick the apple, shift and control boxes on the far right. Check also if your Blueboard is shown as midi interface in Amplitube's settings. And remember that Amplitube has to have the focus for midistroke to be able to send commands to it. If none of this works then I am at a loss as to why it is not working. I did struggle with mine but once it worked, I've not had a problem yet.

The Phrase "Amplitube has to have the fucus for midistroke to send commands" is confusing to me..how do you mean it has to have the focus? The other thing I just noticed is the "unclick the apple etc. Do you mean it is suppossed to have the x in the box on top of each of those or no x?
Thanks again for responding..Brett
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Re: TAP Tempo via MIDI Controller

Postby emilebes » Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:44 am

Amplitube has to be on top of all the other windows so when you test it just click on midistroke and them on amplitube so that those windows are on top. And yes, there should be no "x" in those boxes.
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Re: TAP Tempo via MIDI Controller

Postby bwademusic » Wed May 04, 2016 4:29 pm

Hi again, sorry I took a week off to do some gigs. Got back to this experiment this week and this time it worked! Problem is, I don't know what made it work as I didn't change anything. I copied your screenshot...even did some experimenting with changing the outputted cc no. and your right of course it doesn't matter what cc# is used. I also experimented with converting the blueboard pedals "A,B ,C,D midi note's to trigger the T on the keyboard. It did make connection with the keyboard but sadly it triggers 2 notes at once and the tap tempo is triggered to 240bpm no matter what tempo you tap in. Thankfully your idea works with a sustain pedal in one of the ext. pedal slots.
I must repeat for the ears of the IK people though...if this simple fix is possible, why wasn't it used within the blueboard app the first place? I can only assume that the pro users are being ignored in favor of the Itoy users...I guess it's understandable because of the almighty$$ but disappointing for such a good sounding app. If I could afford the jump, I'd get into the http://www.fractalaudio.com/ stuff just to avoid IK lack of tech support and pro users support (any company which doesn't supprt tap tempo via an ext. pedal cant call theselves pro) Lastly, thanks for your insight man...you(not IK) made it possible for me do use the blueboard.
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Re: TAP Tempo via MIDI Controller

Postby bwademusic » Wed May 04, 2016 4:34 pm

Brian_IK wrote:It's not currently possible, unfortunately.

This was accomplished by several of us using Midistroke, which converts CC#'s to trigger the T on the keyboard and hence the tap tempo in amplitube. Why can't this, or something similar, be implemented as a part of the blueboard package. This feature is a must for a pro user! Also I must ask why can't a pro team like IK employs in it's tech dept. figure this out before a non tech amplitube user does?
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Re: TAP Tempo via MIDI Controller

Postby michael.monk.nz » Wed Aug 07, 2019 12:44 am

+1 to wanting this feature included, just thought I'd share my workaround in case its useful to others (it's not perfect but useable)

Downloaded software called Karabiner https://pqrs.org/osx/karabiner/ (not sure if there is a windows option but surely something similar out there)

This lets you re-program keystrokes. Im just using a Logitech R400 clicker and re-mapped one of the buttons to 'mouse click 1'. Then simply move my mouse pointer on top of the 'TAP' button in Amplitube. Then I can pull out the clicker and press the button to set tempo (as long as no-one moves the mouse...)

Another option I'm thinking about is to get a cheap wireless keyboard and rip off most of the keys. then map spacebar > 'mouse click 1'. This would mean I could use it as a stomp (although probably wont very robust)

Again hoping IK Multimedia will add this feature for MIDI tap tempo support, but looking at the dates of these posts it doesn't look likely...
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