T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Discussion about MixBox and T-RackS

Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby volker.waltinger » Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:22 pm

First of all I wanna say that all the new gear is really nice, really cool sounding and just me personally love the design a lot! What to me would be quite nice and kinda completing the studio gear range of IK, would be kinda vintage studio FXs like Chorus, Flanging, etc. as well as a cool Vintage Stereo/Mono-Delay unit. It´s nothing new as I posted such a demand previously but I just wanted to talk about it once again. With such studio FXs IKs producer range would be complete and you could offer it also as a Producer-Pack all together as well as single units to buy in CS. You know it well to transfer vintage gear sound into the digital world, so I´m shure you could make a cool studio Chorus/Flanger whatever. Amplitube has got nice stuff but it´s not the kinda gear you would want to put on a Leadvoc, a standing out Piano or crucial Drums for example. But I´m just playin around ;-) of course. All the stuff you have decided to release yet is def cool, so I´m just looking forward to upcoming stuff!
The very best to you, cheers,
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby sidfrancistepperwein » Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:35 pm

Irt may sound a bit strange, but since I am very happy with the plugs and don´t need new ones (got Black, White, Opto, 670, EQ1,) the only thing disturbing me is the...naming! In a small insert field I do not need the Information "TR.... " first but the name of the plugin!
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby przw » Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:11 pm


Overall I'm very satisfied with the sound and workflow of the plug (got the Grand version) but some details could be improved

Modules :

-Because of the lack of threshold setting, the tweaking of compressors (others than the new quads and 670) is a bit weird for me. When you get to know them you easily find usable settings, but I'd like to have a more precise control in some cases (when I want to reduce some precisely measured peaks).

- Personnaly I don't feel the need new compressors / limiters (the available ones already give many possibilities) but an harmonic exciter would be nice.

- In the reverb area, I'd like a spring reverb unit. Would be very cool to be able to use Ampltube-based rack effects here, so of course I especially think about the fender 63 reverb...but a special more versatile one would be even better (it's what I miss in CSR...)

- the ability to write values manually, tweaking is not precise enough with the mouse (especially for the output values of the new quad processors)
- the possibility of moving modules with mouse like in amplitube

Metering section:
Peak meters for the sound before tratment please! I'd find it more usefull to compare with the results than the "perceived loudness" metering (but i must admit i don't understand what this latter one realy measures...)

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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby Surf Whammy » Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:56 am

sidfrancistepperwein wrote:Irt may sound a bit strange, but since I am very happy with the plugs and don´t need new ones (got Black, White, Opto, 670, EQ1,) the only thing disturbing me is the...naming! In a small insert field I do not need the Information "TR.... " first but the name of the plugin!

Prefixing the names with "TR" for the T-RackS CS Grand versions or "TR3" for the T-RackS 3 Deluxe versions keeps the plug-ins grouped nicely when you have a lot of plug-ins and signal processors, and it also makes it obvious which versions you have, which is important, because at present the Audio Unit (AU) versions of the new T-RackS CS Grand plug-ins are not working in Digital Performer 8.01 (MOTU) running in 64-bit mode here in the sound isolation studio on the 2.8-GHz 8-core Mac Pro (early-2008) with 20GB of memory running Mac OS X 10.8.3 (Mountain Lion), although the T-RackS CS Grand versions of the CSR Classik Studio Reverb Audio Unit (AU) plug-ins are working nicely, so I use the T-RackS 3 Deluxe versions at present, which is fine with me . . .

The new T-RackS CS Grand versions all work nicely as 64-bit VST effects plug-ins in NOTION 4 (Notion Music), so it must have something to do with the Audio Unit (AU) format, but this is only a guess, and what happens is that the AU plug-ins load but do not display the user interface . . .

Summarizing, there is a bit of logic to the naming convention, and I find it helpful, since I have a virtual festival of effects plug-ins and signal processors, although I mostly focus on the IK Multimedia effects plug-ins and signal processors, since they do what I need to do, hence I use other effects plug-ins and signal processors primarily for highly specialized purposes, which works nicely and is practical . . .

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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby danwilson5 » Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:21 pm

Hi All,

How about an expander/ gate?

Something to increase the dynamic range of a signal by increasing the level above the threshold and reducing the level of the signal below a user set threshold. In this way one could reduce the bleed of say a snare drum into a tom mic but avoid the artifacts of a gate closing abruptly. I realize that an expander in built into the new channel strip but it is pretty cpu intensive to just gate a tom mic. Having a dedicated plugin with a few more controls that wasn't so cpu intensive maybe nice.

Thanks for reading

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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby J4R1O » Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:17 pm

- Mastering tape recorder
- Vintage channel strip (60's/70's)
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby glewan » Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:16 pm

An Aural Exciter would be fantastic. Right now, if I want to use my Aphex hardware during mastering, I have to do it inside my DAW. I like mastering in the T-Racks standalone because it helps me keep the workflow simple and I'm less likely to go overboard with plugins.

A typical mastering chain for me is usually 2 EQs wrapped around a bus compressor and into the brickwall. However, ocassionally I want to bring a little extra body to the sound without squashing the dynamics or altering the the tone. It would be great to have a model of one of the high end exciters on tap.

I'd also love to see some sort of volume discount in the custom shop. Maybe a "build your own bundle" sort of thing where the prices would be reduced if multiple purchases are made in the custom shop. For example, buying the three newest T-racks processors as singles will cost around $300. That's too much, in my opinion, particularly considering the price of CS Grand and all that it includes, but if all three could be picked up for $150-200 as a bundle, it would be a lot more enticing. It just sort of expands on the idea of the bundles that already exist like Ampltiube Hendrix, T-Racks Deluxe / Grand, CSR, etc.
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby Peter_IK » Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:08 pm

glewan wrote:I'd also love to see some sort of volume discount in the custom shop. Maybe a "build your own bundle" sort of thing where the prices would be reduced if multiple purchases are made in the custom shop. For example, buying the three newest T-racks processors as singles will cost around $300. That's too much, in my opinion, particularly considering the price of CS Grand and all that it includes, but if all three could be picked up for $150-200 as a bundle, it would be a lot more enticing. It just sort of expands on the idea of the bundles that already exist like Ampltiube Hendrix, T-Racks Deluxe / Grand, CSR, etc.

Thanks for the suggestion. Note, though, that requests like this are exactly the reason we have JamPoints as a bonus for previous purchases - so you can use them toward future purchases as we do appreciate your loyalty and your buying and using other products: http://www.ikmultimedia.com/jampoints
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby glewan » Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:37 pm

Peter_IK wrote:Thanks for the suggestion. Note, though, that requests like this are exactly the reason we have JamPoints as a bonus for previous purchases - so you can use them toward future purchases as we do appreciate your loyalty and your buying and using other products: http://www.ikmultimedia.com/jampoints

Don't get me wrong, I think that the Jam Points function well as a "reward" program, but they don't incent users to purchase multiple items.

I understand that IK needs to recoup it's R&D costs, overhead, etc. and still make a profit, but I wonder if it isn't better for IK to have a user spend $200 on three processors based on a volume discount than $120 on a single model.

It's not my business to drive the pricing, and I don't want to sound as if I'm being arrogant or entitled. It's just that somewhere in my own twisted mind, I can justify dropping a little more to get a "deal" on some nice to have items than I can to pick up more singles than I absolutely need.

I guess since you picked up on that comment, I should not hold my breath for an exciter model? ;)
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby Peter_IK » Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:41 pm

I have no idea if there is an exciter model coming or not, honestly. I understand what you were getting at with the pricing and it didn't seem entitled, but I wanted to point out JamPoints because many are not aware they can use them toward Gear Credits. Also, the larger Gear Credit packs offer a discount too, so the more of those you buy the more you get. So these are not exactly what you mention but they do help people who have bought multiple items in the past and in the case of Gear Credits there is indeed a discount for volume, just not in exactly the way you describe.
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby pascalstoffels » Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:40 am

I would like to see all the bugs gone from T-Racks and I would like to see the MacOS9 behaviour of the old "snap" function back - instead of "copy setting" ABCD.

Bugs T-Racks 3.5.1 standalone :

When having multiple songs in one project it confuses the ABCD settings amongst diferent songs. One cannot use those settings and trust what's happening.

- the save ABCD settings is something super important to do great work on a daily basis.
the old "snap" function on the original T-Racks 1.0 and 2.0 24 on Mac OS 9 were far superior to whatever came after !!!!
The new "copy to" ABCD function just doesn't make sense BECAUSE in a natural workflow you always forget to first make a copy before changing
something. It was much better to "snap" a setting and then after changing something leaving the last "snap" how it was and making a new one. This was how it worked on the first versions on Mac OS 9 - AND IT WAS PERFECT. On OSX (t-racks 24) one could not delete the snaps with "option-click" anymore and that was very bad. Plus the new version SAVE ABCD is completely buggy !!! If you have more than one song in one project and save A to B in song number 1, you will have
changed even the A (also BCD) settings in song 2 and 3 also - THIS IS A BIG NO NO - NO WAY !!!!
So for now I save a single project for every single song. - I can do that, but - still the SAVE button should be replaced by the old SNAP behavior.
And setting A should stay A and if I change something I should snap to B - and A stays A as long as I don't snap a new A.... EASY.
It was perfect for a human -natural workflow on the versions on Mac OS 9. Please go back to that kind of logical and far more comfortable behavior.


One more thing .... I would love projects to open correctly even after moving them to a different location or another drive. Also that was no problem on old T-Racks versions. As long as the .trx file and the assigned audio material were in the same folder "they would find each other" ... Now the complete file location has to be correct for project files to find Audio material - VERY unnerving for archiving mastering projects on external drives !!!

So my main critic has to do with work flow issues - If I wasn't happy with the modules and my mastering results - obviously I wouldn't bother :) I have used T-Racks stand alone versions for professional mastering projects in over a decade ... a ton of albums :)


mastering on t-racks for over 10 years
Last edited by pascalstoffels on Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby Peter_IK » Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:29 pm

What is your ticket number? That is the way to get your issues fixed, thanks.
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby pascalstoffels » Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:37 pm

Hi Peter, where do I get a ticket number? And how would that solve the issues? I suggest you guys take my useful feedback - program an update - get rid of the bugs - implement the things I mention to improve work flow and efficiency - and send us an email about the update :) If you guys want ... I will be beta testing for you.
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby Peter_IK » Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:40 pm

You get a ticket number by reporting issues to technical support at http://ikmultimedia.com/support

I understand that it can be frustrating when you are having problems using a product, that is what technical support is there for. If it is specific to you, they will resolve it with you. If it affects others they will verify and submit to the developers. That's quite common in software development, as most 'bugs' are not global and end up fixed by the support team directly with the user having an issue.
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Re: T-RackS: What would you like to see?

Postby pascalstoffels » Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:47 pm

Thank you Peter, will submit my feedback to the support.

But please read my entire post - maybe I shouldn't have called them bugs ....
It's software behaviour I am criticising - I am sure I have spent more time on your software on a professional level on daily basis than most of your customers/users.

Especially new things that behave worse than in older versions - or that are "improved" and act worse .. i.e. the old snap function vs. the new ABCD settings option - Those are things that only really start to matter when working full time on your product.

I am 100% sure I'm not talking about bugs - I'm giving you feedback on workflow issues and adding ideas to improve that.

best regards,
Last edited by pascalstoffels on Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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