Tonex One - can you do "triple mode?"

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Tonex One - can you do "triple mode?"

Postby ceki404 » Wed Jan 29, 2025 3:13 pm

TLDR: Read bold blue text

I've been looking at the Tonex One and the small form factor absolutely appealed to me. But the thing is, I find the Dual mode quite limiting (any opinion on this is welcome too). I do understand the practical implication of fast switching between 2 presets for solos or something similar. But what if I want to scroll between 3 presets (example: clean, crunch, drive). Doing that in dual mode would be a pain in the... if you are not connected to the PC.

I did see a possible work around to get into "triple mode." By switching into browsing mode (main button + alt) I believe you can switch between 3 presets: A and B from Dual mode + Stomp mode preset. I saw that in one of the videos on YT.

I don't own a unit to test it out, but my question is: can you stay in browse mode, and use the Tonex One that way, to switch between 3 presets? Or does the browse mode timeout if you aren't pressing any buttons on the unit and puts you back into Dual/Stomp mode?

I'm new to guitar and love the idea of having such a small device to pair up with my guitar and headphones for practicing at home. I wouldn't use any other pedals, modelers, etc (for a while, until setup upgrade) and that's why I'm afraid Dual mode could be limiting. In my eyes Tonex and other modelers serve a purpose "Oh, I wanna sound like Joe Satriani. Find the preset, load it up, play it." No messing around or anything.

Any comments and recommendations outside the main question are welcome too.

If this post belongs into some other thread please let me know. Posting on forums isn;t my strong suit :D
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Joined: Wed Jan 29, 2025 2:54 pm

Re: Tonex One - can you do "triple mode?"

Postby BirdOfChaos » Thu Feb 13, 2025 10:11 am

The simple answer is yes, you can use triple mode when in browsing mode, indefinitely, but it's a little more complicated than that. When you're in browsing mode, the tone control knobs act as model selectors. You can access the full 20 stored models this way. But the downside is that the control knobs no longer serve as tone controls, so you're stuck with whatever they were set as. It's probably not a big deal if you're using it triple mode, but you need to know that it's not equivalent in functionality to the dual mode.
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Joined: Tue Sep 05, 2023 7:50 pm

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