by neil.cummins1 » Sun Feb 02, 2025 10:20 pm
As a fellow Studio One user and also struggling with even a single instance of AT5 with high CPU load....are you using the Low Latency Monitoring feature within S1(the Green Z) If so,then this will seriously ramp up your CPU load,and this is mentioned in the S1 user manual.
The reason is that the Low Latency monitoring feature(which allows low buffer sizes for recording but high buffer sizes for playback simultaneously),opens a second instance of whatever virtual instrument plugin you're using as a Monitor FX your performance window in S1 and you should see two instances of AT5 with almost equal CPU usage...which effectively doubles the CPU footprint.
Obviously I'm only speaking for myself here,the workaround I use is to set the Audio device and Processing buffer sizes as low as possible,in my case 64 samples.This gives a barely functional instance of AT5,but anything with an expansive signal chain or dual amps causes my CPU fans to activate,this is even in a project that contains no other plugins.
I have a large range of IK software,and many of the plugins are quite demanding on CPU cycles,so compromises and workarounds are the order of the day until my i7-powered laptop DAW can be put out to grass in favour of something with more cores and RAM.
Hope some of this helps,