[SUPPORT] Product Manager, Downloads and installations.

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[SUPPORT] Product Manager, Downloads and installations.

Postby s.franck » Thu Jan 02, 2025 11:44 am


sorry, IK, but you need to adress this issue. Ever since yesterday I'm trying to download the Syntronik GS-V library. Just doesn't work. Slows down to less of a crawl, freezes in - and most impertinent: It also keeps randomly telling my that *my* internet connection would be lost. Which simply isn't true.
No idea how much of a drama this would become if I wanted to install the SampleTank content.

Then: The installation routines are just wrong.

Here's a picture of the Product Manager's preferences:

The only true information would be that the downloaded files will be placed there. The installation path set in the applications will not be used, regardless whether you check the lower box or don't.
Besides, when you install, say, the big initial Syntronik stuff, you don't have any application installation present to set a location.
Also, as noted in the screenshot already, there's no clickable link where it says "click here".

Further, the installer packages don't say anything about their content. It doesn't say which files are contained in the big Syntronik installer. Some of the ones also available individually are includes, others aren't.
The Product Manager also fails at finding existing content installations. I already have Miroslav Philharmonikb 2 installed, yet the PM still shows the sound content as not being installed.
Same goes for Sampletank and Syntronik. With those, you also can't spot the differences in content between, say, SE, CS and Max.

And fwiw, while I was typing this, the Product Manager's download freezed *yet again*.

Seriously, IKMM, if you want to be taken seriously, you should fix these things. It's not even remotely a personal issue, either. The issues with all your download, installation and registration routines are wellknown all over the relevant places.
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Re: Product Manager, Downloads and installations.

Postby s.franck » Thu Jan 02, 2025 1:06 pm

Seems absolutely impossible to download the Syntronik GS-V library. Download keeps halting at whatever percentage but pretty much never proceeds. Pressing Pause/Resume doesn't help. Also doesn't resume the partially downloaded file on a Product Manager restart but starts from scratch. I must've been wasting like several hundred GB on download bandwidth already just because of that.

IMO this needs to be adressed.
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Re: Product Manager, Downloads and installations.

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Jan 02, 2025 4:03 pm

IK Support will address any issue that you report to them. Please report your issue to IK Support via https://www.ikmultimedia.com/contact-support/sw for direct and official assistance. Thank you.
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