Audio breaks down in minutes

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Audio breaks down in minutes

Postby kktunes2020 » Wed Nov 13, 2024 4:26 am

New user with a modern Windows 11 PC. I downloaded and configured ASIO4ALL.

It "works" but with some catches....

1) occasional crackling. Sometimes the sound is clean but there are times after a fresh reboot I'll tweak all the ASIO4ALL settings and it's crackly no matter what.

2) breakdown -- after a few minutes the audio gets weird to the point I have to endure a reboot if I want to try again.

Starting to feel like the solution is to get a Tonex One or Pedal and bypass the PC for sound production.

My PC is 6 months old and I don't have any interesting drivers on it. I keep it pretty clean.

I can fix with a reboot but it's only temporary. Is this the nature of the beast or is there some hidden knob or lever that I'm missing? Thjanks!
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Re: Audio breaks down in minutes

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Nov 14, 2024 7:13 pm

What audio interface are you using? Honestly, I am not a fan of ASIO4ALL and have found it problematic. Your audio interface's official ASIO drivers are always going to be better.
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Re: Audio breaks down in minutes

Postby kktunes2020 » Thu Nov 14, 2024 8:04 pm

Thanks Peter. I haven't found a way to use ASIO without ASIO4ALL.

If I use the RealTek audio driver I see options for the OUTPUT which I assume are correct, but then my USB Guitar interface does not enumerate under INPUT.

Basically the only way I've been able to select the USB Guitar interface as the input source (when using ASIO) is when using ASIO4ALL.

When I use the RealTek (ASIO) the output is there, but no input options :(
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Re: Audio breaks down in minutes

Postby Peter_IK » Fri Nov 15, 2024 2:05 am

kktunes2020 wrote:Thanks Peter. I haven't found a way to use ASIO without ASIO4ALL.

If I use the RealTek audio driver I see options for the OUTPUT which I assume are correct, but then my USB Guitar interface does not enumerate under INPUT.

Basically the only way I've been able to select the USB Guitar interface as the input source (when using ASIO) is when using ASIO4ALL.

When I use the RealTek (ASIO) the output is there, but no input options :(

What USB guitar interface are you using? Manufacturers would typically have an ASIO driver for their audio interface available.
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Re: Audio breaks down in minutes

Postby kktunes2020 » Fri Nov 15, 2024 7:53 pm

It's a Rocksmith USB cable.

I found a repo for community drivers for the Rocksmith *game* but not the cable itself.

I'm thinking I'll have to buy some new guitar interface here.
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Re: Audio breaks down in minutes

Postby Peter_IK » Fri Nov 15, 2024 8:18 pm

Ah that is going to be a tough one because they probably won't offer a typical ASIO driver because they intend for people to use it for the game and nothing else (which we all know isn't how things shake down in the real world :D ). If you are interested in a new interface we have our AXE I/O One down to $79.99 which is a very deep discount on a great guitar-centric small interface.
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Re: Audio breaks down in minutes

Postby kktunes2020 » Fri Nov 15, 2024 8:20 pm


I was actually looking at that until I got seduced by the TONEFX Pedal, but now I'm thinking I may need both. :D
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Re: Audio breaks down in minutes

Postby Peter_IK » Fri Nov 15, 2024 8:27 pm

kktunes2020 wrote:Thanks.

I was actually looking at that until I got seduced by the TONEFX Pedal, but now I'm thinking I may need both. :D

Oh sorry I missed that you had TONEX Pedal. It can function as an audio interface (there are steps in the manual on switching modes etc) but if you do want an interface for a little more than just TONEX and basic functionality you might not be out of range for wanting AXE I/O One. Being honest, being an audio interface is a secondary function of TONEX Pedal and it really excels more as a player for the TONEX Tone Models and for that I have to say it is insanely good. Yes I'm biased but I've also been playing guitar for decades and I'm old and frankly jealous at what we have available now for such low prices vs what was available when I was starting. The silver lining is that more people have access to incredible tools (not just ours, the industry is rife with amazing tech for musicians) and expressing creativity is something I will always support so everybody should just have at it!
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