Sell and buy ToneX (again)

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Sell and buy ToneX (again)

Postby ToneXYZ » Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:53 pm

First post on the IKM forum. :oops:

Please forgive me if this question has been asked before but I fear I’m getting contradictory messages on the subject. Perhaps, other people are as confused as I am.

I’m the happy owner of a ToneX One and I am thinking about purchasing its big brother (ToneX Pedal, the model with 3 footswitches).

One thing that stops me from buying it is that I don’t fully understand is the process one has to go through when/if the unit is sold or purchased.

My understanding is that, if I purchase a brand new ToneX through an authorised reseller, I have to register the unit as I did with my ToneX One. When I want to sell it, I just need to de-register the unit (+its software) through the website. After that, I will receive 3 codes that I can give to the new owner with the actual unit.

However, things are not always so simple. If I purchased the unit from another person and this person goes through the same process (i.e. they send me the codes after the de-register process), I can only register the unit. I cannot de-register it to sell it. To be able to do it, I have to purchase a ~$20 transfer credit that will allow me to sell the unit to someone else.

Question #1: Is the above, correct?

Question #2: In other words, is it true that there is a finite number of times the unit can be sold, by registered owners, without spending extra money and this number is one?

Thank you!
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Re: Sell and buy ToneX (again)

Postby DC_IK » Mon Sep 23, 2024 11:05 pm

Everything you stated is correct. The reselling process can be tricky after the pedal has been moved. However, if you do run into any reselling problems or registration problems you can reach out to the support team here. .
They can take care of you if you run into anything when reselling or registering hardware.
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Re: Sell and buy ToneX (again)

Postby ToneXYZ » Wed Sep 25, 2024 3:33 pm

DC_IK wrote:Everything you stated is correct. (...)

Thank you for your quick and clear answer DC_IK. It really helped me understand how the system actually works.

Following your answer, I can’t help wondering: why?

I appreciate that, strictly speaking, it’s not my problem but it looks to me that the only thing that this arrangement is achieving is making users unsure about IKM. Some people can have the, perhaps unjustified, perception that they don’t have full control of what they see as their property. Whether this counterbalances a few transfer credits sold, it’s, literally, none of my business.

I'm probably wrong on this but I suspect it might also be pointless. I read multiple times on other platforms of people who give their IKM login credentials to the person who sold the unit to.

If IKM’s intent was avoiding that people deactivate/activate too frequently, why not put a time limit (e.g. 2 weeks) between two consecutive deactivations?

Just to be absolutely clear, I am not interested in pointing fingers or judging IKM policies. IKM is absolutely right in doing what they believe works for them.

Perhaps, they only think that, as a customer, I would have liked is more clarity. Having said that, it’s perfectly possible that the information has always been there, easy to find, clear and detailed, and I missed it.
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Re: Sell and buy ToneX (again)

Postby DC_IK » Wed Sep 25, 2024 8:36 pm

Sorry if I caused confusion here. The Tonex pedal or Tonex One pedal can be transferred with the software included over and over with no charge of a License Transfer Credit. Just wanted to clarify that part of your initial questions. The need to contact support in some cases is because a serial number from the bundled software may not have been received or even released correctly depending on the prior users account. Besides that, you should be good to transfer just the hardware serial number as needed without support assisting.
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Re: Sell and buy ToneX (again)

Postby ToneXYZ » Thu Sep 26, 2024 1:07 am

DC_IK, if I was mildly confused before my first post, now, I’m totally lost. :D

When I said (among other things)
[if I purchase a unit from a registered user], I can only register the unit. I cannot de-register it to sell it. To be able to do it, I have to purchase a ~$20 transfer credit that will allow me to sell the unit to someone else.

You said
Everything you stated is correct.

However, in your latest post, you said:
The Tonex pedal or Tonex One pedal can be transferred with the software included over and over with no charge of a License Transfer Credit.

Question #3: I’m probably missing something but how can both things be true at the same time? :?

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Re: Sell and buy ToneX (again)

Postby ToneXYZ » Mon Sep 30, 2024 12:39 pm

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Re: Sell and buy ToneX (again)

Postby DC_IK » Mon Sep 30, 2024 6:57 pm

Sorry about confusing you with the statement "Everything you stated is correct." This was not the correct answer. After reviewing your response I wanted to correct my statement.
To clarify, you can transfer the registration over and over again. No license transfer credit is necessary for this particular product.
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Re: Sell and buy ToneX (again)

Postby ToneXYZ » Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:17 pm

DC_IK wrote:Sorry about confusing you with the statement "Everything you stated is correct." This was not the correct answer. After reviewing your response I wanted to correct my statement.
To clarify, you can transfer the registration over and over again. No license transfer credit is necessary for this particular product.

No worries DC_IK. I think I get it now. Thank you for clarifying.

The answer to my first question is: "No, the above is not correct (at least not entirely)"
The answer to the second question is: "The number is not one. The number is, in practice, infinite".

Please don't take it the wrong way, I'm confident you are right. Can I ask you where did you gather this information? The only reason I ask is because ever time I look for an answer to this question, a new answer emerges from the Internet. :)
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Re: Sell and buy ToneX (again)

Postby ToneXYZ » Fri Oct 04, 2024 8:00 pm

Just a quick note.

The IK Multimedia Tech Support Team (I believe the UK branch but I'm not 100% sure) confirmed that the ToneX Pedal (and I assume, its software) can be transferred multiple times and that no 'License Transfer Credit' is necessary for this particular product.
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