Hi all,
Well, this track shoehorned itself into being while I was doing some post-cottage session work on a track from last month.
It came fast and furious and the recording is very basic…unfortunately just used DI for acoustic guitar and laid down some basic vox ideas. I heard the song in my head as being more of a SoCal track but…as often happens, ideas can morph into something else and now seems more folky to me. I had a version with some basic drums but, thanks to Riff’s input , I’m presenting this as an acoustic offering.
This is around the time the new TRackS 6 came about and I thought some of the new plug-ins might be interesting to try out so this demo is limited to only using the following:
Channel Strip X
Delay Lab
Dual Spring
Master Match X (used the folk setting)
*Remember the days when you HAD to make do with very limited gear!
Have a listen and any feedback appreciated as always. Hope you are all doing very well.