Hi I am new to using amplitube and having many issues with what seems like stability. Amplitube works for a short while when I start it, but then it does one of 3 things every single time: It crashes and closes itself (least prevalently), it mis-processes the signal I will say and starts outputing terrible noise until I close the app (most prevalently) or it just mutes itself meaning it looks it crashes becasue it stops re-acting to input even though the focusrite is still reacting.
Are any of these things known issues / have known solutions? Tbh this has been extremely disappointing as I bought the entire collections, etc and I can't even use this product for more than 3 minutes at a time without the stability issues.
Windows 11, no events generated in the viewer related to the application directly, focusrite 2i2 interface, no other software does this only Amplitube. I use the official drivers, not ASIO4ALL, etc.
Any help / advice is appreciated.