by babserik » Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:00 pm
Workflow upgrades:
1. When playing the pre-recorded audio tracks to test amp sounds...can you keep the drop down menu you have currently but also make an additional arrow button that lets you go through the sounds right to left.
2. IR loading: Ability to load all our IR's at once...such as a file directory that we can just drop all our IR's into and then have them appear in the software when we open it. Or even better the have the program recognize all our IR's on the computer and just upload them or point to them in their file location when installing Tonex.
3. IR organization: folders feature for IR's and the ability to favorite, and perhaps color code: ex. Bright, Dark, Boxy, Scooped, etc.
4. The ability to load more than one IR at a time.
5. Tonenet: First off maybe add some additional servers to is so slow it is almost unusable. 5b. Streamline have to click multiple times to download a capture just have one click. 5c. When on Tonenet the filters above where the amps are don't click on them and they don't do anything...the section that says: Name, Character, Stomp Based on etc.
6. The ability to audition with your own guitars the tone partners signature collections..(If this already exists I have yet to see it)
7. Once the IR loading dialog pops up...have it just know that I want to interact with that dialog box because it is infront of the rest of the software on screen....for instance you need to click on it after it is already open in order to use the ^ and v keys when auditioning the IR's you have previously loading.
8. The ability to hide tone models and presets...and have a universal folder within the opened software called "Hidden" so if you need to go in there and retrieve i.e unhide a sound you can
Personalized features:
1. Ability to load our own audio test samples (in addition to the provided audio test samples) to see how our guitars / playing will sound when testing amps.
2. The ability to have default settings load...such as Reverb set to Plate and certain parameters etc.
3. The ability to default load IR' when auditioning amps...they are set to open with a IR of your choice.
4. The ability to color coat tone models and says Clean...but that can mean a wide variety of cleans. So like Green could mean very clean, Red clean with some break up, Yellow Bright Cleans etc
Thank You!