One of These Days (2024 Remix).

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One of These Days (2024 Remix).

Postby » Mon Jul 08, 2024 4:18 pm

Hi all

Apologies for lapsing on forum engagement….my bad. :( Was away in Europe for a few weeks and then had a spat of illness thereafter. Getting back in action now but nothing new to post; however, I promised CS a while back I’d take a shot at remixing this track so that’s what I’ve taken on recently and here is the result.

It just so happens that this month is the 3-yr anniversary of this track. I’m not gonna bore you with the history here. I’d encourage to have a listen and, if you’re so inclined, go back to July 17. 2021 in the forum history and check out the original song & details.

Needless to say, it’s one of my favourite tracks and wouldn’t be so without the critical contribution of CS who really took this to the next level. I’m eternally grateful for that, brother! :D I think this mix is an improvement overall and showcases CS's vox better.

Have a listen, comments appreciated, take care and I’ll try to avoid being derelict in forum contributions! Stay cool! 8-)
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Re: One of These Days (2024 Remix).

Postby CrazySchmidt » Wed Jul 10, 2024 6:26 am wrote:Apologies for lapsing on forum engagement….my bad. :( Was away in Europe for a few weeks and then had a spat of illness thereafter.

On behalf of all forum members, you are forgiven my friend. Firstly, we hope you enjoyed Europe and also that you have fully recovered. ;) :lol:

But more seriously folks...
Hey Michael, WOW, what an amazing production and mix dude, I mean top of the bunch without question!!

The production is so good, so present, warm and full, but still separate in the stereo spectrum. I was worried how my vocal might have come out, but holy mother, you made them sound amazing!! 8-)

This is a fantastic piece of song writing and I feel extremely privileged to have been asked to collaborate with you to get this one completed. An absolute challenge for me and equally as pleasurable.

It's hard to believe that it's been three years, man does time fly by as we get older.

Brilliant work brother, let's pencil another collab sometime before the year ends! :D 8-)

Cheers, CS. :)
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Re: One of These Days (2024 Remix).

Postby Riff_Lovely » Thu Jul 11, 2024 8:38 pm

Hey Michael. I am glad that you are back and have recovered from your illness. I'm sure you had a great time in Europe. It had to be a great song when you gathered the cream of this forum (creme de la creme) :D . As far as I understand, on the post from 21 year there are Fat boy, Dan, CS and You. Great song
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Re: One of These Days (2024 Remix).

Postby » Thu Jul 11, 2024 11:46 pm

Hey Riff,

Thanks for listening and the f/b.

This song is just CS and myself (no Fatboy or Dan....but they provided some early, and much-appreciated, f/b early on). Man, that would be frickin’ awesome collab tho, to have a project with dual NZ and CA contributions - who knows, maybe someday! :o

Thanks for commenting on this one! 8-)
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Re: One of These Days (2024 Remix).

Postby » Fri Jul 12, 2024 2:26 am

Hey CS,

Really glad you like the remix & especially your vox. Pretty happy with the whole thing after letting the track marinate for 3 yrs! :lol:

Would LOVE another collab opportunity - anytime! :D :D :D :D

Thanks so much…..and old ain’t old even if time flies! Stay cool, brother and I'll keep in touch with possible ideas.
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