Tonex Librarian says you must register...but it is

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Tonex Librarian says you must register...but it is

Postby AlecRoss89 » Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:57 pm

Bought a TonexOne, had to have it deregistered because mine was a return. Now trying to access Librarian in the tones software it says I need to register the Tonex... but I have. Anyone else?
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Re: Tonex Librarian says you must register...but it is

Postby lewafer » Thu Jul 04, 2024 8:00 am

I just bought the Tonex ONE and registered it and authorized it both in the product manager and the authorization manager, but in the TONEX Max software it is STILL saying it needs to be authorized.... but it is! 3 times now! I've also rebooted my computer, tried again... same thing. Why is there no help for this? If I go to support, it's going to take 4-5 days for them to respond.

I just want to use the TONEX software and load the sounds onto the Tonex ONE. It's infuriating that it's claiming it's not authorized, even though it is (and no, it's not a used Tonex ONE).

So yes, same problem and from the looks of things, no one is going to pipe in to help...
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Re: Tonex Librarian says you must register...but it is

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Jul 04, 2024 11:48 pm

That would be because this is a user forum with general announcements etc from IK. IK Support will be able to assist you directly with any technical issue via Thank you.
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