So, what did i actually get, buying SampleTank4 Max?

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So, what did i actually get, buying SampleTank4 Max?

Postby AndBrik62 » Wed Jun 05, 2024 1:06 am

Sorry, but all this is so confusing and unclear. Can i download as many "Sounds" packages as i like? Or ist there any limit, which i haven't been told about?

Secondly, i have downloaded several modules from the "Software" tab, but it turned out, that i could only use one bass sound from the "MODO Bass" module, and maybe no part of the "Tracks 5" module.

It's not clear, what i can download and use, as included in my SampleTank 4 MAX package. SOme help is very much appreciated. Or maybe i forgot to register all those modules, even though i have tried. In case i'm not entitled to use that stuff as part of my purchase, do i have to "unautorize" an deinstall it?
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Re: So, what did i actually get, buying SampleTank4 Max?

Postby AndBrik62 » Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:26 pm

Nothing? Isn't this the official IK forum? Very disappointing. :|
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Re: So, what did i actually get, buying SampleTank4 Max?

Postby Peter_IK » Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:21 pm

This is a user-to-user discussion forum. You get the following (listed under "What's inside SampleTank 4 MAX v2") when you purchase SampleTank 4 MAX:

The installation instructions should have been sent in an email to get you started, which should link to a video/FAQ about IK Product Manager if you are not familiar with that part of it.

MODO BASS is not part of SampleTank 4 MAX v2, nor is T-RackS 5.

You would basically install SampleTank 4 MAX v2 from the Software tab/side of IK Product Manager first, then install the sounds in the Sounds tab/side.

I hope that helps.
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Re: So, what did i actually get, buying SampleTank4 Max?

Postby AndBrik62 » Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:01 pm

Thank you for your answer, Peter. Would i have to install SampleTank 4 MAX v2, even though i have the program already installed?

Unfortunately, some of the larger downloads don't make it through the installation, haltin in the middle of the download. Also, SampleTank 4 MAX v2 is not listed by that name, only SampleTank 4 MAX.
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Re: So, what did i actually get, buying SampleTank4 Max?

Postby cinstudios » Mon Aug 26, 2024 8:56 am

Yeah I had the same problem. Freezing in the middle of installing.

I had to download them separately from the user area to the locations in my settings for the IK manager (click the cog at the top right of the manager and set your DL folder or see where it is and open it).

Once the downloaded files were in the proper folders (IK manager will create them when you try to DL the first time) it will see the files and just install everything.
In your user are you can click on the "Sounds Download" button in ST4 and see all the files. Download the files you need, move them to the correct folders (where IK manager is looking and in the proper subfolder) and then re-instal.

I had to uninstall and re-install the manager a few times to get it going properly too. Terrible workaround (come on IK) but it got everything installed.

Not sure why the IK manager is freezing while DL/Installing but I got it to work in this way.

In a last ditch effort, you can just open each installer file you downloaded and set the location, but that's a real pain.

Hope that helps :)
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Re: So, what did i actually get, buying SampleTank4 Max?

Postby AndBrik62 » Fri Sep 06, 2024 6:28 pm

Yes, the user area. But here's another problem. When we last tried a test download, the user area was sort of gone. Not the usual instrument packs there, but only items to buy. Completely different. What is going on here?
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