Axe I/O Solo and Apple music

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Axe I/O Solo and Apple music

Postby howardjonescreative » Sat May 25, 2024 9:28 pm

Newbie here. I have a Macbook Pro M2 and Amplitube 5 Max. I want to be able to jam to Apple Music and run the output to the Axe I/O Solo to headphones. Can I do that and will I need to have my own digital files to jam as Apple Music is DRC encoded?
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Re: Axe I/O Solo and Apple music

Postby brandon698sherrick » Wed May 29, 2024 12:21 pm

Axe I/O Solo allows "direct monitoring," which means you can hear your guitar playing through Amplitube without any latency (delay) while using your headphones plugged into the Axe I/O Solo. Amplitube 5 Max doesn't directly integrate with streaming services like Apple Music.
Use a separate audio player application like QuickTime Player or VLC Media Player. Open Apple Music in your web browser or dedicated app. Play the desired song in Apple Music. Minimize the Apple Music window and open your chosen audio player (QuickTime Player or VLC). In the audio player's preferences, set the output device to your computer's speakers (or internal output).

While Apple Music uses Digital Rights Management (DRM) encoding, it shouldn't affect your ability to play the audio through Amplitube. Amplitube processes the incoming audio signal from your computer, not the original files themselves.
You might need to experiment with the audio settings in both Apple Music/your audio player and Amplitube to achieve a balanced mix between your guitar and the backing track from Apple Music.
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Re: Axe I/O Solo and Apple music

Postby Patthedog123 » Sun Jul 21, 2024 11:13 am

Axe I/O Solo allows "direct monitoring," which means you can hear your guitar playing through Amplitube without any latency (delay) while using your headphones plugged into the Axe I/O Solo. Amplitube 5 Max doesn't directly integrate with streaming services like Apple Music.

Direct monitoring is just that - you'll hear the direct (pre-amped) signal from your guitar, bypassing the computer - ie. NOT through Amplitube.

Use a separate audio player application like QuickTime Player or VLC Media Player.

A separate audio player isn't necessary. Just set your system output to the AXE I/O, hit play in Apple Music and jam along.

While Apple Music uses Digital Rights Management (DRM) encoding, it shouldn't affect your ability to play the audio through Amplitube

You don't need to play Apple Music's audio through Amplitube if you just want to jam along. If you want to use the multi-track recorder in Amplitube, you'll need a way to route the Apple Music audio. If you're on the Mac I can recommend Blackhole or Loopback for this.
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Re: Axe I/O Solo and Apple music

Postby runte2 » Sat Sep 14, 2024 5:17 am

Axe I/O Solo allows "direct monitoring," which means you can hear your guitar playing through Amplitube without any latency (delay) while using your headphones plugged into the Axe I/O Solo. Amplitube 5 Max doesn't directly integrate with streaming services like Apple Music.
Use a separate audio player application like QuickTime Player or VLC Media Player. Open Apple Music in your web browser or dedicated app. Play the desired song in Apple Music. Minimize the Apple Music window and open your chosen audio player (QuickTime Player or VLC). In the audio player's preferences, set the output device to your computer's speakers (or internal output).

What steps should a user take to route audio from Apple Music into Amplitube for multi-track recording?
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