Routing separate Sampletank sounds to separate channels?

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Routing separate Sampletank sounds to separate channels?

Postby Chrisulrich » Wed May 22, 2024 4:45 pm

Dear Anyone.

If this is something I should be opening a ticket about, please be nice and just tell me. I'll apologise and go do the ticket thing - it's honestly I'm not sure if this is a ticket problem or me being stoopid somewheres.

Probably the latter. I'm really trying to learn how to use Sampletank but it's a bit of a learning curve for me! Anyway. I use a notation DAW to write all my music in. One stave, one sound/instrument, call it what you will. Each stave has its own channel, on which you put insert effects. So if you've got 4 instruments (random number for illustration) they're on 4 staves and putting (say) an EQ on Stave 2 won't affect any of the other staves.

Except I can't route Sampletank to anything other than Stave 1! I've got - say - 4 Sampletank slots with 4 instruments in. If I put notes on the 4 staves in my DAW, I get 4 different sounds. That's fine. BUT - the flashing 'this-is-where-the-sound's-coming-from' lights are only ever in Stave One's channel. They SHOULD be in EACH stave's channel. So if you're playing the sound on Stave 2, Stave 2's sound level lights are flashing. Ditto with Stave 3, or 4, or whichever stave the sound's on. Only the stave you're playing should have lights flashing. Otherwise you can't put effects on the sounds individually, because the effects you put on Stave 1 affect ALL the sounds regardless of what channel they're on in Sampletank.

Which is exactly what's happening! I've got - again random numbers for illustration - 4 sounds going but can't use any insert effects, because they're all outputting to Channel One which means Channel One's insert effects on my DAW will affect all 4 sounds whether or not I want them to!

How do I route the individual instrument's sonic output to each channel individually (be gentle with me on this bit, this is where I'm getting really confused) so if I've got 4 instruments selected, each one's going to an individual output channel in my DAW, so I can put different EQs and whatever on each? Like I said above, when I put NOTES on the different staves I get the right noises playing, but the SOUND output's only going to Channel 1 so I can't use separate effects on separate sounds, because the separate effects are on the separate sounds' channels in my DAW and the individual sounds aren't reaching their channels, or don't seem to be, they all seem to be going to Channel 1!

I fully understand I'm being dumbass here and there's an obvious setting I'm missing, but right now I'm a coupla weeks and more into owning this thing and I'm just not seeing how to DO the above!

Yours dumbassedly,

Chris. Who is happy to redo this as a ticket with support if told to.
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Joined: Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:31 pm

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