ARC3 - No EQ/Correction Graph?

IK Product Manager, Lurssen Mastering Console, CSR (Classik Studio Reverb), and acoustic correction system ARC (Advanced Room Correction) System

ARC3 - No EQ/Correction Graph?

Postby mykrobinson » Mon May 29, 2023 5:33 pm

Hello -

I got ARC3 with the group buy last year but have just tested it today. I borrowed a friend's **another correction tool** mic to run through the system and was able to analyze the room, allegedly without issue.

I added the plugin in REAPER and while it seems to be doing something, I cannot see anything on the graph:


The plugin is up to date. What might i be doing wrong, and is there a way to store my measurements so that if i need to purge and reinstall, i won't have to start over again?

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Re: ARC3 - No EQ/Correction Graph?

Postby mykrobinson » Tue May 30, 2023 1:02 pm

UPDATE: The issue seems to be related to display scaling in Windows. I run 4K but at 200% so i can read. Windows likes 150% scaling by default but some applications tend to only like 100 or 200%, so i settled on 200% since i can't read comfortably with the 100% setting.

I found that if i changed display scaling to 100% the display worked. I bumped it back to 200% while REAPER was still running and the eq display still worked. I closed and reopened reaper at 200% and the display did not work anymore.

I am unsure if the issue is with REAPER, the plugin, or Windows dispay scaling, but wondering if others can confirm this behavior.


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Re: ARC3 - No EQ/Correction Graph?

Postby churtney » Sun Jul 02, 2023 10:21 pm

Came here because I'm seeing exactly the same thing (Windows, Reaper, 4k, 200%) and was wondering if it was on my end. It's clearly a plugin issue.

I found a (somewhat frustrating) workaround: when adding the ARC plugin, before double-clicking on it in the Reaper FX browser, right-click the ARC plugin name and go to Compatibility Settings --> "HiDPI compatibility mode when floating window." Then launch the plugin, and float it (detach it from the FX Rack). You might see nonsense at first, if so manually resize the window by dragging the lower right corner and you should then see the curve.

The downside is that you're now in low-DPI so it will be a little pixelated / fuzzy...but for me this is more practical than changing my entire operating system's settings every time I launch my DAW lol.

Hoping that maybe they will address it at some point.
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Re: ARC3 - No EQ/Correction Graph?

Postby DarkStar » Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:38 pm

Other users may chip in with suggestions.

Meanwhile, as this is not a company Support forum, the best thing to do is contact Technical Support via the IKM web site, for some one to one diagnosis and help. Search the FAQs first, as there may be relevant results. After that, you should see a [Contact Support] button at the bottom of the page, linking you to the Support form.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: ARC3 - No EQ/Correction Graph?

Postby PatatoKG81 » Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:06 pm

Thanks everyone for the solutions here - had the same issue in Reaper.
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