Pianoverse - Product Manager - New Content Has Older Date

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Pianoverse - Product Manager - New Content Has Older Date

Postby drummaman » Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:00 pm

Greetings All,
In the Product Manager under Pianoverse, there were four downloads under the "Sounds" tab.

After unzipping the file, it showed updating content dated 09/2023, yet the initial purchase installation dates show 11/2023, which is when I installed it.

1.) Shouldn't the latest install have all of the latest sound files?

2.) Why are there sound files under the Instrument section?

3.) Should not all sound files - including updates - be shown under Sounds?

It's a bit confusing for an end user...!

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Joined: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:18 am

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