Hi. I purchased AmpliTube 5 Max in March 2023 and all the X-Gear pedals (that is, the digital versions) are padlocked. I see there's now a v2 version that apparently includes those pedals.
I'm confused, because I thought all the X-Gear pedals were included in the Max package, but they've always remained locked for me. I'm now running version 5.7.1.
Could you please tell me, were the X-gear pedals included in the version onsale back in March? I don't know when the v2 version was released.
Is it the case that I can only access the digital versions of the X-gear pedals by upgrading to AmpliTube 5 Max v2? If so, is it possible to upgrade to the v2 version at a reduced cost, or would I have to buy the entire v2 app?
(EDIT) I think I've now found the answer to my question in another forum thread from September. As I understand it, I'd have to buy the v2 version from scratch. Please let me know if that's not the case.