Tonex > Interface > Windows HELP !!!!!

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Tonex > Interface > Windows HELP !!!!!

Postby WalTonex » Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:20 pm

Hello guys,

I have this problem, in the pedal I changed the operation to interface.
As soon ToneX software comes up I play the guitar I hear the Tone/preset from Bank1 A, which is normal, and sounds good in the computer speaker.

The problem is ... If I select a tone from ToneNet or I hear both tones the one on the pedal and the one from ToneX. why?

For example
1)I have a clean tone in the pedal and I selected a clean tone from Tonenet and sounds weird but okay, there are two clean tones, Sound totally different from the sample in ToneNet

2) I selected a clean tone on the pedal and a HIGain tone on ToneNet sounds okay but weird, Sound totally different from the sample in ToneNet

3) If I select a Higain tone on the pedal and a hi-gain tone in ToneNet sounds terrible pitchy loud noisy and this is obviously because there are two HiGain tones at the same time.

Otherwise, if I select a Tone from Tone Net, and move to my pedal, I turn off the pedal and on and I go and I select manually in my pedal the tone I saved previously sounds exactly as the sample sound in ToneNet. the same if I connect the pedal to my amp and I switch operation to live.

Also, sometimes I can hear and distinguish each tone.

Why is mixing both tones? how to solve this? is it a pedal setup or a Windows setup?

I want to hear what I select with the mouse, if I select a tone in the pedal, that tone only, and if I select a tone from ToneNet or collection, etc. hear only that tone.

Please help
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Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:35 am

Re: Tonex > Interface > Windows HELP !!!!!

Postby briansharkey76 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 9:01 pm

In Amplitube or Tonex app (whichever you using), you must set Input Left and Right Channel to "ToneX In 2". THis is the dry signal, rather than the wet (effected) signal. Its in the manual, but its importance is not overstated.
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Joined: Sat Jul 29, 2023 4:26 pm

Re: Tonex > Interface > Windows HELP !!!!!

Postby briansharkey76 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 9:17 pm

Or you can leave it on input 1, but be sure to "turn off" the effect by pushing the pedal until light goes off over the selected pedal.
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Joined: Sat Jul 29, 2023 4:26 pm

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