Just finished mixing a new song my brother Kelly wrote called "Without You". It features the amazing talents of Tiffany Chen on vocals and piano. Honestly, she made the song so much better than the rough demo we had. It was inspiring to watch her work, she has a Master's degree in Choral Conducting and it was evident by how easily she worked out things on the fly. I think I am beginning to understand how people sing harmony. If you need a piano player or singer I would strongly recommend you get in touch with her (search sound cloud)
From a mixing stand point I think I am beginning to get a feel for the Comprexxor plugin. The other plugins I used for this mix are the usual Black 76, White 2A, Opto Comp (finally used it) and Amplitube 5.
Any suggestions on improving the mix (not my singing...that I already know

https://soundcloud.com/dan-e-wilson/wit ... al_sharing