Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

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Re: Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:33 pm

xmanpacheco wrote:So it looks like I can acquire both a phycial and virtual pedal for 299. If I just acquire a virtual pedal for 149 and decide later I want both, do I get any sort of created when buying the physcial?

Couldn't find this information anywhere.


There is no upgrade SKU for the software-->hardware version. Best would be to get the hardware version and get the software version free or participate in the 25th Anniversary Group Buy (which ends decisively at the end of the month so less than a week from now) at 149.99 or higher and choose the software versions among your free choices.
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Re: Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

Postby xmanpacheco » Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:44 pm

Thank you, Peter, for the reply. So if I understand this correctly, I can buy 2 x virtual pedals and get 2 x virtual pedals for free?

Having trouble understanding the how this works, I'm not that smart :)

--- xavier
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Re: Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:45 pm

xmanpacheco wrote:Thank you, Peter, for the reply. So if I understand this correctly, I can buy 2 x virtual pedals and get 2 x virtual pedals for free?

Having trouble understanding the how this works, I'm not that smart :)

--- xavier

You would need to purchase a qualifying product 149.99 or higher, the software pedals are not qualifying products to get into the group buy (but they are choices for the freebies once you do). The qualifying products are listed at the link in my last message.
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Re: Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

Postby xmanpacheco » Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:54 pm

got it, so I can buy the iRig Pro (149) and I'll get AT LEAST 1 virtual pedal. Then maybe, I'd get more free products with 16000 registrations. But with a week to go, my chances are probably slim. Wish I knew about this sooner. :(

Been wanting the iRig pro though, so at least that's a good deal to get one vir pedal.

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Re: Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:12 pm

xmanpacheco wrote:got it, so I can buy the iRig Pro (149) and I'll get AT LEAST 1 virtual pedal. Then maybe, I'd get more free products with 16000 registrations. But with a week to go, my chances are probably slim. Wish I knew about this sooner. :(

Been wanting the iRig pro though, so at least that's a good deal to get one vir pedal.

--- x

Just to be clear the iRig Pro I/O is a qualifyer, yes. If you order it now we do have a grace period to account for shipping etc so you'll be fine. If you have a local dealer who carries it, that's an option too and would provide more instant gratification of course :)
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Re: Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

Postby xmanpacheco » Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:14 pm

Peter, sorry for the bother, just want to get some further clarification

1. If I use jampoints, do they count against my total, e.g. 149 - 40 = 109. So I can get 109 of free items or do I still get 149?

2. Regarding the group counter, do I still benefit from previous purchases or does my counter start at the point of purchase leaving me a week for adeitional registrations?

Thanks Peter.
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Re: Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:21 pm

xmanpacheco wrote:Peter, sorry for the bother, just want to get some further clarification

1. If I use jampoints, do they count against my total, e.g. 149 - 40 = 109. So I can get 109 of free items or do I still get 149?

2. Regarding the group counter, do I still benefit from previous purchases or does my counter start at the point of purchase leaving me a week for adeitional registrations?

Thanks Peter.

1. JamPoints do not affect the amount of your choices, so you would be at the 149.99 level.
2. You would get 25 for the price of 1 so you benefit from all tiers now. Makes it one of those so-called "no-brainer" deals, eh? :D
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Re: Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

Postby xmanpacheco » Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:31 pm

HOLY HELL! dang Peter, I'd hug you if I could - LOL. No local dealer with one in stock so I purchased online - IK is out of stock too but oh well, I'll get it eventually and then I'll get my gratification!

Thanks for clarifying about that grace period. I was worried about that.

--- xavier
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Re: Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

Postby Peter_IK » Mon Oct 25, 2021 9:50 pm

xmanpacheco wrote:HOLY HELL! dang Peter, I'd hug you if I could - LOL. No local dealer with one in stock so I purchased online - IK is out of stock too but oh well, I'll get it eventually and then I'll get my gratification!

Thanks for clarifying about that grace period. I was worried about that.

--- xavier

Virtual hugs accepted LOL. Glad to help and get you in on this amazing deal.
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Re: Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

Postby » Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:19 pm

Got an X-Drive. pretty good sounds overall, but no pc editing software, bit of an oversight....
Hoping they get one out soon.
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Re: Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

Postby Peter_IK » Wed Jan 19, 2022 7:00 pm

robbieconti1 wrote:Got an X-Drive. pretty good sounds overall, but no pc editing software, bit of an oversight....
Hoping they get one out soon.

You can get the librarian in your IK Product Manager or User Area
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Re: Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

Postby Matttech23 » Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:58 am

Peter_IK wrote:
robbieconti1 wrote:Got an X-Drive. pretty good sounds overall, but no pc editing software, bit of an oversight....
Hoping they get one out soon.

You can get the librarian in your IK Product Manager or User Area

I have just been installing all the relevant software for my X-TIME pedal, but cannot find the X-GEAR Librarian anywhere - it's not in my user account, on the website, or in the Product Manager. What gives?
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Re: Announcing AmpliTube X-GEAR guitar pedals

Postby Emersonb15 » Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:37 pm

Hi. I wonder if IK will release a new version firmware for we will can activate a spillover function at changing presets and not only for turning on or off the same preset.
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