Tonex has a limiter like issue with a capture

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Tonex has a limiter like issue with a capture

Postby BLuzJW91 » Wed Jun 07, 2023 10:07 pm

Hello. I'm using an Amalgam Audio Carr Mercury capture/preset called "CRR MERC Edge BRI CAB" with my Tonex pedal and with this particular capture I get a hard limiter behavior when I hit a chord hard. No other capture seems to exhibit this behavior.

I have my TRIM IN value set to LOW with normal playing and at my hardest open chord hits it will register as OK. With the above capture loaded on the Tonex pedal I get a hard compression and volume drop for a few msec when I hit a chord hard. The volume recovers quickly and sustains as normal. I have the compressor turned off for all these captures and I have yet to be able to replicate the issue with any other capture.

Does IK know what in the pedal is doing this "limiter" like effect? Are their variables in the A to D that can be modified by a capture? Has anyone experienced anything similar? I have deleted the capture from my pedal and PRESET library and then re-imported the PRESETS. No difference. All the other CARR MERC captures from Amalgam Audio work fine and respond as the amp to a hard chord hit. Its just this particular capture.

I've talked with Amalgam and they are looking into, but they have no idea either.

Anyone else experience a capture exhibiting a limiter like effect even when the compressor is off?
Posts: 33
Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:52 am

Re: Tonex has a limiter like issue with a capture

Postby funkybot » Thu Jun 08, 2023 3:38 pm

What are you running your TONEX pedal into? It’s possible you’re clipping something downstream or there’s some kind of additional processing downstream.

Also, are you sure it’s not tube amp sag. A cranked 5E3 circuit for example will sag under the same circumstances and it sounds like a quick compressor ducking the attack.
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Re: Tonex has a limiter like issue with a capture

Postby BLuzJW91 » Thu Jun 08, 2023 10:34 pm

The Tonex goes into my Source Audio Collider. No other capture does it (so far) and I've turned that output down very low and it still does it. Its not digital clipping, its hard limiting.

Its definitely not sag, as its unpleasant and the volume drop is very, very noticeable.
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Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:52 am

Re: Tonex has a limiter like issue with a capture

Postby soundog » Tue Jun 13, 2023 10:46 pm

I have the same capture set from Amalgam, and with the same CRR MERC Edge BRI CAB capture, I do not get the same limiting behavior you are experiencing. Weird! Can't imagine why...

Have you tried deleting and then reloading the capture?
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Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:07 am

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