ToneX Pedal crashes by Preset change via Controller

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ToneX Pedal crashes by Preset change via Controller

Postby Christian-Holzer73 » Wed May 17, 2023 8:42 pm

my ToneX Pedal crashes by Preset change via MIDI Controller (Morningstar MC6 PRO). But it occurs irregular. There's no system. And there are no conflicting PMs our CCs.
Can anyone help?

Best regards, Christian
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Re: ToneX Pedal crashes by Preset change via Controller

Postby DarkStar » Thu May 18, 2023 9:34 am

Other users may chip in with suggestions.

Meanwhile, as this is not a company Support forum, the best thing to do is contact Technical Support via the IKM web site, for some one to one diagnosis and help. Search the FAQs first, as there may be relevant results. After that, you should see a [Contact Support] button at the bottom of the page, linking you to the Support form.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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Re: ToneX Pedal crashes by Preset change via Controller

Postby Christian-Holzer73 » Thu May 18, 2023 10:30 am

Thank you DarkStar. You are right. I will contact the Technical Support.
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Re: ToneX Pedal crashes by Preset change via Controller

Postby redcloud80 » Sat May 27, 2023 2:25 pm

Christian-Holzer73 wrote:Hello,
my ToneX Pedal crashes by Preset change via MIDI Controller (Morningstar MC6 PRO). But it occurs irregular. There's no system. And there are no conflicting PMs our CCs.
Can anyone help?

Best regards, Christian

Hi! I have the same problem here Have you solved it somehow?
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Re: ToneX Pedal crashes by Preset change via Controller

Postby Christian-Holzer73 » Sun May 28, 2023 1:33 pm

Hi Redcloud80,

unfortunately the problem isn't solved yet. But I contacted the customer support a couple of days ago. But there's no reply until now. Perhaps it would be a good idea if you contact the support too. So they would take it more seriously.

Best regards, Christian
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Re: ToneX Pedal crashes by Preset change via Controller

Postby michaelapk » Tue Jul 11, 2023 1:09 pm

I've had this problem as well and have been able to resolve it by adjusting the way I send MIDI CC and PC messages.

I wrote a crude editor using PureData that allowed program changes and midi CC's to control various parameters. For this, I use the USB connection MIDI. Was having problems with random crashes that required rebooting the device. I was able to resolve the problem by doing the following:

1. doing a check on the Program Change values before sending - if I send a PC=0, the device would crash. I now check to see if the PC value is 1-128 before I send.

2. slowing down the MIDI CC messages - the program would crash if I moved sliders to send streams of CC messages. I built a MIDI delay line that puts a few ms delay between each MIDI CC. That seems to prevent the crashes. This delay is also important if I use a knob or slider to trigger PC messages. Sending a series of PC messages without the delay also caused crashes.

Between the two fixes, I am no longer having issues with crashing.

I am also sending PC and CC messages over MIDI cables from a HX Effects. For this setup, choosing a patch on the HX sends a PC message and couple of CC messages (to turn off reverb and compressor on the pedal) to the Tonex. This is working fine without crashing. I don't know if the difference is using wired MIDI vs the USB MIDI or the fact that the HX Effects is sending only three discrete MIDI messages, likely with some delay between them.

I think this is an issue with the MIDI implementation on the pedal and not a set of fixes I need to do with other devices. Probably something that could be fixed in a future firmware upgrade.

Hope this helps.
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Re: ToneX Pedal crashes by Preset change via Controller

Postby Christian-Holzer73 » Tue Jul 11, 2023 6:18 pm

Thanks, michaelapk!

I updated the firmware some days ago ... and there were no crashes since than. I hope it solved my problem permanently. If not, I will try your way ...
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Re: ToneX Pedal crashes by Preset change via Controller

Postby bgoodman89 » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:21 pm

Had the same issue and fixed it. Ensure your ToneX pedal is as close as possible to the beginning of the physical midi chain. Then test it.

My ToneX was close to last in chain (7th) and I was sending multiple control change messages to pedals physically in line before it. The ToneX would do sort of a half power cycle. The organge light on the inside would stay on but the screen would cycle off and on and a hissing noise would occur. Like I said, putting it 1st in the physical chain right after my midi controller fixed this issue. (Midi controller to Disaster Area Midi Box 4 and out via midi TRS to ToneX with midi thru from the midi box 4 going to other pedals)
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Re: ToneX Pedal crashes by Preset change via Controller

Postby Christian-Holzer73 » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:25 pm

Thanks for your tip.

I tried it at that time and set the ToneX as first Pedal in my MIDI chain.The crash problem occurred despite it. My crash is different to the one you wrote about. ToneX Pedal crashes totally. Screen and light inside go out. So I have to "restart" (pulling the power plug and plug it in again) the unit.
I wrote the IK support in May, but no answer until now. :cry:
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