Lurssen Mastering Console file corruption

IK Product Manager, Lurssen Mastering Console, CSR (Classik Studio Reverb), and acoustic correction system ARC (Advanced Room Correction) System

Lurssen Mastering Console file corruption

Postby lamooreus » Tue May 16, 2023 6:57 pm

I'm having an issue with file corruption where my masters are being rejected by Apple Music.
When I run Lurssen Mastering Console (version 1.1.1) in standalone mode and export a 48K 24bit wav file. I get the following error:
This is from one of my album tracks (#3), but the message was the same for all tracks. The only difference was the byte size for each.

ERROR ITMS-9000 "The file size and RIFF chunk size in 03_Essence_4824bit_Master.wav must differ by 8 bytes, but are currently 125802668 and 125802720 respectively. This may mean that the audio file is corrupted. To solve the issue, re-encode and redeliver. (WRROE, mismatch, 03_Essence_4824bit_Master.wav) at Album/track/track

I also get file processing errors when I upload Lurssen mastered tracks to my Reelcrafter page.
I just did a test with a 44.1KHz 16bit file and got a similar error.

My current workaround is to import these mastered tracks into Adobe Audition, then re-export them in their same format to a wav file, then the file isn't corrupt anymore.

Is this a reported bug?
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