To get familiar with Capture I cabled up a dirt pedal for testing. I'm using a Arturia MiniFuse 2 and tried both @ 48Khz and 44.1Khz. Training fails on all settings. Capture goes ok, I've tried lowering volume levels without any success. Training attempts to establish network then all fails.
I'm using on a new iMac a few months old.
Office iMac Retina 5K mid 2020
27” i7 3.8Ghz 8-Core Intel i7
8GB 2667Mhz DDR4
AMD Radeon Pro 5500 XT 8 GB
Ventura 13.2.1
MiniFuse 2 is connected to a USB hub, that shouldn't be an issue, I have external drives on it without issue.
Running out of options, if I can't get it to work, I'll send it back.