Official TONEX Features wish list

AmpliTube TONEX, AmpliTube 5, AmpliTube Custom Shop, AmpliTube Joe Satriani, AmpliTube Brian May, MESA/Boogie®,Orange™, Fender™, Hendrix™, Metal, AmpliTube SVX, and more for Mac/PC

Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby MauroDave31 » Tue Dec 13, 2022 10:22 pm

FINALLY GUYS I LOVE YOU, THE PROFILES OF THE PEDALS can be inserted in amplitube chain!
but now ik muktimedia or some user needs to make these fundamental profiles:
demeter compulator
cornish g2
come onnnnnnnnnnn
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby thegingerlair » Wed Dec 14, 2022 1:58 am

Personally I think it would be amazing to have a TONEX modeling hardware similar to a Kemper & Quad cortex for live use on a pedalboard. I know you have the iPad rig pedalboard but it looks somewhat unprofessional to card an iPad on to the stage. I think it could sell pretty well if they would make an Amplitube/Tonex Pedal (much like Bias)
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby mccyrano » Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:22 am

The Mix Knob introduces phase issues. Would be nice to have an INTENSITY KNOB which is free from phasing issues, so you dial in the amount of the effect, while it would be cool to have that only for the frequency curve part as we have allready the gain for driving the signal to your taste. Even if that is not working perfectly it would be very interesting to globally control intensity of the Models. For example I would love to hear some distortet amps at only 1% intensity for subtle effects... or I would love to control a captured EQ- curve in its global intensity. Lets say I took the model of an enhancer/exciter and like to reduce the effect if its too extreme.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby rspst14 » Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:38 am

I'm just getting started with Tonex, so maybe there's a way to do this and I just haven't figured it out. Some users give their shared models silly names that I'd like to be able to change when I download them. It makes more sense to me to have the model name reflect the tonal properties of the model, as opposed to having a saved model in my list called "Chucky's super awesome rig of doom."

I also agree with the suggestion of having the knob positions on the models match the settings of the physical gear that was used to create the model. If someone cranks the mids to 9 but the model shows it as 5, the user can increase that control beyond what would be allowed with the real thing. I suppose this is where the AI comes in, and I'm not sure how you would change it at this point given that all the existing models set everything halfway. I just think it's more intuitive to see the knob positions as recorded.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby wildmilne71 » Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:14 pm

Saving my audio interface for the app as well as the last modeling setup, i have to reset everything every time i close and reopen the app.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby wasoota » Sun Jan 01, 2023 12:02 pm

Please add naming conventions. It's impossible to browse captures and presets anywhere but in the main view simply bacause they read like the titles in the fiction department of an airport kiosk. The name of a capture or preset should give you direct information about what was captured and how. This isn't a creative writing class.

If you must, keep the silly 'prose' names but add a 'technical' name field as well that reflects what the capture/preset actually contains. E.g. keep the preset name "Creamy Blue Gravel Road" if you must, but add a field that says "Mesa Recto CH2 4x12 Ubercab SM57".

Some people thankfully have done this already but it needs to be the standard. Two years from now we won't know front from back in the library unless this is adressed now.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby wildmilne71 » Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:14 pm

Ability to process "offline". So let me capture, name, capture, name, etc etc, then process them all later when i have more down time.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby Flow1983 » Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:41 pm

First wish : Please stereo input available (in option) for playing mono profiles in dual mono.
ToneX good profiles are well responding with a pedalboard, and it will be awesome to play in stereo without using Amplitube 5 (keep it simple !).
Amplitube 5 is perfect for stereo rig with 2 amps / effects pre and post etc… but if one day IK Multimedia sell a ToneX hardware pedal we will need a stereo inputs.
So why don’t offert the stereo in the software ?

Second wish : add a gain output control with a test step with the modeler for the output to the Amp. I currently use a Radial X-Amp, but the max output of the ToneX auto playing is too hot and the led which indicate when the input is clipping is red when the ToneX player is playing in the highs with a lot of dynamic. So the clipping distortion is sending to the amp and be a part of the profile. This output can’t be controlled anyware : ToneX controls directly the volume output.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby Flow1983 » Thu Jan 26, 2023 4:50 pm

Third wish : Wee really need a Vu-Meter which indicate the input level of the guitar when the capture profile was made, in order ton match the gain of our instrument with the interface we are using… there is to many results between to many interfaces / gain settings, and it make a huge difference on the ToneX captures when we play them.
A Vu-Meter with a mark of the average gain input of the guitar when the capture was made and an auto-gain Matching option will be awesome !
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby laxulus123 » Fri Jan 27, 2023 2:18 pm

The ToneX app really needs to get some basics right.

1. Intuitive sort of presets and captures etc.

This is how it works atm. You select Amp column to sort by the amp name. But everything within this is sorted probably by database row order or something so you end up with a list like this:

  • Name: 'Early Twang', character: 'Clean', amp: 'Fender 57 Custom Deluxe'
  • Name: 'Cajun Amp', character: 'Clean', amp: 'Fender 57 Custom Deluxe'
  • Name: 'Tweed Drive', character: 'Drive', amp: 'Fender 57 Custom Deluxe'
  • Name: 'Tele Complement', character: 'Clean', amp: 'Fender 57 Custom Deluxe'

See how it's Clean, Clean, Drive, Clean? Or how it's not sorted alphabetically by name?

It's very easy to make a multi-column sort function that is <the column you selected> OR character (Clean, Drive, Hi-gain etc) OR alphabetic name of model.

With a function like that, you would get a far more understandable list like this:

  • Name: 'Cajun Amp', character: 'Clean', amp: 'Fender 57 Custom Deluxe'
  • Name: 'Early Twang', character: 'Clean', amp: 'Fender 57 Custom Deluxe'
  • Name: 'Tele Complement', character: 'Clean', amp: 'Fender 57 Custom Deluxe'
  • Name: 'Tweed Drive', character: 'Drive', amp: 'Fender 57 Custom Deluxe'

Alphabetic, with character grouped together so you can find your cleans all in one continuous list, followed by drives, higain etc. Then same for the next amp.

2. Filter options for cabs.

When I open up the list of cabs, in the free version of ToneX I cannot filter the list to just what I own so it's straight up impossible to find working options when you don't even know what you have.

3. The information available about tone models, cabs etc.

It's just not enough. I cannot tell "Black Angus" and "Thunder Luck" apart without trying them. The only info about their difference is that they have different mics. Stock captures should have far more information about their sound, purpose, maybe even original amp settings.

Similarly there is no way to tell the VIR cabs purpose without trying them all. What is 4x12 F1, M1 or T1? That tells me less than those "4x12 Cali V30 Mix 01" IR filenames from 3rd party vendors.

4. The dual column squares on the right suck.

These are also sorted in an insane manner. High gain chug, OD special, Fuzz, Fuzz, Klon, GK Bass, Hard & heavy, 800 & 900 ? That makes no sense. Why aren't pedals, bass amps and guitar amps grouped together so it's 800 & 900, High gain chug, Hard & Heavy, OD special, GK Bass, ..., Fuzz, Klon etc? Why can't we just have a simple list instead of this annoying to read and scroll picture box thing?

5. Standalone app and sample riff feature.

You should be able to record your own clips here with your guitar and playing style. When this riff selection is the only sensible way to test different models when their difference is often nothing more than the name of the model, being able to input your own playing would make a far better difference. Sure in a DAW you can just use a DI track but in a standalone app this is not happening.

6. The VIR cabs button.

Why is this at the end next to Reverb? It's totally nonintuitive with the way it replaces you chosen cab with a VIR cab. Even the icon choice is bad.

7. The expand button on the tone/preset list.

Why is that a column on the tone model/presets list? You honestly could not figure out a better place for it? It's not a column name, it's not a sortable column, it also does not make the user understand what all those IK logos on the rows mean.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby Musical.Alchemy » Fri Jan 27, 2023 4:04 pm

Presets are very cluttered, there needs to be a way to delete presets (especially the IK presets it comes with) as well as a better way to organize them.
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby glasspipe » Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:49 pm

Better preset filtering and management when opening tonex in amplitube. I have to search for my downloaded captures. Why can't it be listed there? Why can't I filter thru "likes"? Why do i have to "search" a specific community capture?
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby Orpheus1 » Wed Feb 01, 2023 6:58 pm

Is there a way to back up all my downloads and work I have done to Tonex????????
I need to format my pc. I can't export and import one by one every preset I have made and the packs I have bought etc etc ... It's super urgent
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby Flow1983 » Sat Feb 04, 2023 10:50 am

Hi IK Multimedia !
Please add a way to organise with folder hierarchy our favorite captures !

And also it's capital to add a new row in order ton distinguish : "Amp + cab capture" / "Direct capture (without cab)" / "Amp capture with external loadbox + IR" / "External amp sim unit (Kemper / Helix / Fractal Audio etc)" / "External Plugin capture"... ToneNet is currently a real mess ! And it's hard to research good "tube amp with cab / mics" profiles...

Thanks ! This product is by the way amazing ! 8-)
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Re: Official TONEX Features wish list

Postby rspst14 » Sat Feb 04, 2023 4:43 pm

I decided it was finally time to make the move to Windows 11. I wiped my drive and did a clean install, since that's always been the most trouble-free way to upgrade to a new version of Windows. I had backed up all my Amplitube presets, but forgot about Tonex. I have a couple of presets that contain Tonex amps or stomps, and when I opened those in Windows 11 I got a message about not owning some of the gear in my preset, even though I have the max versions of both Amplitube and Tonex. After reinstalling, unauthorizing, and reauthorizing with no luck, it finally occurred to me that the Tonex part of my preset had come from ToneNet, and had not been downloaded on the new machine. Once I did that, the message went away.

There needs to be a more specific message to handle this case, along with a better way to transfer Tonex presets that have already been downloaded. Only an advanced user with some computer knowledge would think to check for a database file with the preset information. If you don't remember to back that up and transfer it to a new machine, you lose all your downloaded ToneNet presets.
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