Sampletank editor.Acualizacion necesaria

The SampleTank Editor is provided without direct support. However this IK user forum is available for users to share questions and solutions.

Sampletank editor.Acualizacion necesaria

Postby far1962 » Fri Jul 08, 2022 2:16 am

El problema: las bibliotecas de usuario hechas con Sampletank Editor no funcionan en Sampletank 4.1.5.
Supongo que hay algun problema en las versiones posteriores de sampletank a partir de la v4.1.4.
O es que la empresa ik multimedia prefiere que compremos sus bibliotecas en vez de darle a usuario la oportunidad de realizar las suyas.

Estoy muy decepcionado con sampletank 4 y creo que no compraré mas versiones si no dan soluciones a los problemas del usuario de su software
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Re: Sampletank editor.Acualizacion necesaria

Postby DarkStar » Wed Nov 16, 2022 5:21 pm

The problem: User libraries made with Sampletank Editor do not work in Sampletank 4.1.5.
I guess there is some problem in later versions of sampletank from v4.1.4.

[Mod edited -comment was unnecessary]

Other users may chip in with suggestions. Meanwhile, the best thing to do is contact Technical Support via the IKM web site, for some one to one diagnosis and help. Search the FAQs first, as there may be relevant results. After that, you should see a [Contact Support] button at the bottom of the page, linking you to the Support form.
DarkStar ... interesting, if true.
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