helier wrote:The snag is, when I go up and down the keyboard, the speed changes instead of the pitch which is what I would expect.
I haven't gotten into importing loops into SampleTron 2, but if you've ever worked with tape loops, you would know that playback speed changes pitch. Not sure where your expectation is coming from.
For example an A 440 Hz tone recorded at 3 3/4 ips and played back at 7 1/2 ips is going past the tape head at twice the speed, or 880 Hz. [Hz = cycles per second, ips = inches per second]
Its not an either-or thing (speed v. pitch). Basically, a sustained tone of any frequency within the audible spectrum will sound an octave above since the frequency is doubled.
There's more to it in terms of samples, sampling, looping samples, etc.
If you are talking about rhythmic samples or loops as opposed to sustained tones, the rhythm will also be 2x the speed if the tape is played 2x the speed.
Hope this helps in terms of the speed-pitch theory.