by edievilmont » Wed Nov 09, 2022 4:58 am
I’m with you on that, first I ran it on windows 7, the software was unable to even start, I contacted tech support, they kindly provided recommendations, we were going back and forth with no results, I decided to call my IT guy that I know for many years, he advised me to install windows 10, we did everything with my IT guy to get it to work with windows 7 but no luck, then I decided to blow away all my installed softwares and going through the pain to install windows 10, well this was not even recommended by tech support.. I would have been still on window 7 trying to get it to start. This change made the software run finally, at this time my IT already charged me $150 to do this, which is cheap based on the time he spent to try to help me. Now it runs but I only can play my guitar with headphones, if I try any speaker, it pops, static noise, it feels I am damaging my monitor speakers. With all this experience I certainly would have stayed playing with my tube Marshall Amps, mesa Boogies or Fenders. I am so disappointed.
If you are trying to land a 747 in a busy city, how many exchange emails you will need to have a safe landing? The truth of the matter is this software needs dedicated one to one tech support with team viewer or any other remote plug in to trouble shoot the myriad of adjustments they need to do with your computer and the software. I am still hoping one day I will be able to listen on my monitors a clean guitar sound as it is designed by A5.
They should offer remote access with a fair charge for people that can afford this service and is not willing to wait months or not even be able to use the software at all. God help us.