Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

AmpliTube TONEX, AmpliTube 5, AmpliTube Custom Shop, AmpliTube Joe Satriani, AmpliTube Brian May, MESA/Boogie®,Orange™, Fender™, Hendrix™, Metal, AmpliTube SVX, and more for Mac/PC

Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby carlaz » Sat Aug 06, 2022 4:34 pm

I vaguely feel like I remember that there was a way to save not just a "model preset" for an individual stomp but in fact a complete chain of stomps as though it were a virtual pedalboard. If I did not hallucinate that, it would be nice to have back (since I can't find it in AT5), and even if I did hallucinate that, it would still be nice to have anyway. 8-)
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby livesforrap » Sat Aug 06, 2022 4:46 pm

Coming from another thread, it would be SUPER nice and shouldn't be hard to do to add a "lock" on the bottom right master volume (similar to what many reverbs and delays have so that when you change presets it's not automatically going into the red)

Oh and hell, do it on the input in the bottom left corner too! :mrgreen:
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby Redmagpie » Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:59 pm

I would love to have a time signature in the Ipad version. I don't understand why I can't change the tempo to a 3/4 or 6/8 time signature?????
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby Ebatewell1 » Thu Aug 18, 2022 5:10 am

Please improve the tuner. Make it large, colorful, and can be toggled to be always on. Come to think of guys already model every other pedal (including an upcoming Klon), how about something like a model (or clone) of a PolyTune, always on and visible just like my board! Thanks!
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby kevinsparks » Mon Aug 22, 2022 4:20 pm

I'd like to be able to hide any gear of my choice. There's so many amps and whatnot now that it's a chore to browse through dozens of models, some of which can be redundant.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby mikesoundslike » Fri Aug 26, 2022 3:14 am

Is there anywhere to upvote these?-- There are at least 5 requests ALL pertaining to THIS SAME FR QUOTED BELOW MINE PLEASE IMPLEMENT!!!:
MIDI control of 500 FX bypass. It's incredibly frustrating that I have these badass effects I can't use with a pedalboard. With experimentation with Control change menu I have been able to "bypass" 500 rack effect that's turned on already, but it doesn't toggle back on when I hit the same pedal- I'M SO CLOOOOSSSSEEE!!

alienpops wrote:Add a midi-controllable bypass to 500 rack effects. Currently, this is only possible when they are inserted as pedals. Or just make the "power" into an assignable bypass/off switch. In the case of software code, the different between turning the "power" button off and "bypass" is effectively the same thing (don't run this bit of code).

The AT5 amps/cabs sound great, but I am finding it less "fun" to play around with because of some of the skeuomorphic imposed limitations. As with one of my previous suggestions (not to hide the controls for rack-as-pedal or pedal-as-rack inside black boxes with edit buttons), these limitation from the real-world gear they represent don't need to exist in a software product. Heck, I'd bet some tech savvy electronics wiz could actually wire up a 500 rack on a real pedalboard and add a toe-click bypass switch and have the controls accessible IRL. Or wire a physical pedal so that it was wired directly into a 500 rack with its controls accessible. As it stands now, it seems like there is a penalty for experimenting (I'm less likely to use a rack delay as a pedal since I can't tweak it side-by-side with my other pedals). The functionality already exists in the software, just need to remove some of the UI barriers.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby thumbs1821 » Sat Sep 10, 2022 6:14 pm

I know people have already requested this, but the thread is far too big to find the proper place for a reply... So I will just submit my "vote" for the ability to use third party plugins. Don't get me wrong, Amplitube is one of the closest things to an All in One product out there, but what would really make it stand out would be to have a block in the signal chain for "other" plugins. (vst, dll, etc.). I love how easy building / rearranging the signal chain is in version 5. However, 90% of the time I use it as a plugin in my DAW, which limits some of the features compared to the standalone app. In my humble opinion, this one change would make it a truly ALL IN ONE solution. Obviously I don't expect you to encourage the use of competitor's products, but the reality is... most people do. And without this feature it almost forces people to do so. Instead of just being one of many plugins to choose from in my workstation, Amplitube could be THE workstation.
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Re: Show playback speed+ reset to default

Postby Felix198 » Mon Sep 26, 2022 4:20 pm

timm49 wrote:It's really hard to set the playback speed to a specific value since it's not displayed as text while dragging.

Also it would be helpful if double clicking these buttons will return to the default value (as in most DAW's)

Yes! Please implement both of these :). Also for things that display the current value like an EQ-pedal it`s almost impossible to reset them to 0.

I just installed Amplitube 5 and I`m already blown away by this software. But this is what I stumpled upon very quickly.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby machinated » Sat Oct 08, 2022 12:18 pm

Please can we have more advanced control over the poweramp to cabinet interactions. Ideally so when you change a cabinet, the poweramp behaviour changes accordingly to the cabinet and speaker type.

It would also be great to have more information about what load or cabinet each amplifier was modelled with. I’ve tried asking IK support about this but couldn’t really get a definite answer.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby machinated » Sat Oct 08, 2022 12:22 pm

Also, I’d personally love some smaller modular plugin versions of Amplitube.

For instance, a pedalboard would be great (just fx), another with just the amp sims, and then lastly a cabinet/VIR plugin. There are obviously certain benefits to combining them, but it also makes the overal experience worse if you chose to combine the gear with other products. There’s so much scope to do cool things by utilising Amplitubes features with other tools and having to run several instances of Amplitube to do this gets kind of bloated due to all the options amplitube offers.

I really think some smaller, simpler plugins with more basic routing options would rule. And if IK released their tuner as standalone, IMO that would become industry standard in no time.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby rj.gray » Sat Oct 08, 2022 10:10 pm

Make it easier to open the manual. [mod redacted - unnecessary]

With IK products I have to open the Download Manager, log in, click Manage My Products, click on Download Resources, click on the Manual, which opens the website in another window, where I have to log in, then I scroll down to Amplitube 5, then click Download Resources (again?) and click on the manual before downloading it to my computer and creating a folder for it.

Oh my.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby frodebass » Sun Oct 16, 2022 2:22 pm

Could we have a way of inserting effects pre the DI so that also the DI would be affected? This way we can choose to have global efx that would be included in every part of our signal. It would be a choice keep the di totally separate or not. I'm a bassist and if I use for instance an octaver, i would like it to also be on the di signal, or at least have the option of this without having to insert two identical octavers, one for the amp, one for the di. Think along the line of whatever you have between your guitar and the DI box on stage. Also, could you look into updating the octaver effect, as it's not up to the standard of the rest of the suite. Line6 emulation of a bass octaver is highly usable, whereas yours sound most of the time like a warped and garbled mess....
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby j.fabricius » Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:27 pm

My studio is bright, so it is hard to see the dark grey text on the black background. It would be good if the text and symbols could be made brighter, and thus readable, not only in dark environments.
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Ability to Save & Playback Preset Sample Recording

Postby rwyler » Sun Oct 23, 2022 9:10 pm

Many "Tonenet" presets have sample recordings of what the preset sounds like. When saving a preset from "tonenet" it would be a "game changer" to have a "checkbox" to save the sample recording into your preset.

Feature Request:
1. Ability to add sample recordings to locally stored presets
2. Ability to playback preset sample recording from "Preset Browser"
3. Ability to include/save preset sample recording when downloading "tonenet" presets.
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Re: Official AmpliTube 5 FEATURES Wishlist

Postby HerrNox1 » Sat Oct 29, 2022 10:05 pm

Since it’s not implemented (yet) in ToneX, it would be nice to have the ability to load multiple instances of ToneX IN SERIES. We can load multiple ToneX models in parallel but for some reasons we can’t load a ToneX stomp in front of ToneX amp. At least I have not found how (except by loading two instances of Amplitube or ToneX on my track).
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