wrote:Hi. Maybe someone will help me here. I have been going on for over a week with the support team but they do not seem to be able to help or wanting to help. At the moment my support request is stuck to “higher level” and I’m on stand by.
I purchased a used Tone X pedal. The person that sold it to me purchased the token to allow me to register it. I did registered the pedal successful. Here the issue starts. I am supposed to be able to download Tonex Maxx, but no dice. I downloaded Tonex CS but when installed it tells me my pedal is not registered so I can’t connect it to the laptop. Basically I can only use the pedal with no connection.
At the beginning they told me I couldn’t have the software license transferred, I had to email them with a message from this forum where someone from Ik says they do transfer the license now, as opposed to “before” but the person helping me didn’t know that.
Anyone here that can help? I’m actually surprised on how unresponsive the support team is.
Help? PleaSe? Thank you
The seller would need to also send you the serial for TONEX MAX. They would get this sent to them directly once they initiated the transfer and they need to send you both serials.
Support can continue to assist you, nobody on this board will have the access/etc in order to do anything except provide the information I did here. Thanks.
The Support team gave you the right information - this policy changed, typically bundled software that is free with hardware is not transferable per the EULA. But the exception was made for TONEX Pedal recently. Also, Support would be technically correct about the non-transfer in general because there is supposed to be 90 days passed before the TONEX Pedal or other hardware can be sold. This is also stated clearly to the original buyer. There must have been an exception made so unfortunately in a case like that you're going to have a non-traditional experience.
In short: The buyer should be providing the additional serial you're missing for TONEX MAX and IK Support is giving information based on the policy that TONEX Pedal should not be transferable until after 90 days (it has not even been out 90 days yet) and the policy changed recently but again should not be a topic at all since the 90 days have not yet passed.